|Shot 51| • Space • |Stenbrough|

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"I saw the well. W-w-wuh-we know w-where it is and-and we'll b-be better prepared-"

"NO!" Stan protested, and I frowned at him. "No next time, Bill! You're insane!"

"Why?" Beverly defended me, but I kept my eyes on Stan. "We all know no one else is gonna do anything"

"Eddie was nearly killed! And look at this motherfucker. He's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie gestured to Ben, who was bleeding from his abdomen.

"We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself, It comes back every 27 years"

"Fine!" Ben retorted. "I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town, too"

"Because I wanna run towards something...not away"

"I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie quipped, and Beverly held up the middle finger.

My eyes were still glued to Stan, who had raised his voice to me in protest. But something told me his voice held something more.

"Richie-" he scolded, but Richie kept going.

"I'm just saying, let's face facts! Real world! Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed, too"

That ignited a flame inside. But not the good kind of flare. The you just royally pissed me off kind. Richie tried to walk away, but I blocked his path.

"Georgie's not dead!" I seethed, and pushed him back.

"You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself"

"No, t-t-tuh-take it back! You're scared, a-and we all are, but t-take it back!" I shoved Richie, hard.

He shoved back, and I punched his face so hard he fell down.

"Bill!" Beverly scolded.

Ben held me back as Stan and Mike kept Richie from hitting me in return.

"Stop!" Beverly screamed. "This is what It wants! It wants to divide us. We were all together when we hurt it. That's why we're still alive!"

"Yeah?" Richie said. "Well I plan to keep it that way" he spat, and shoved past me for his bike.

One by one the rest of the Losers left until it was just Stan and I. I turned to him with a mournful look as he stared into my eyes.

"Stan?" I said softly, and walked towards him.

He put his hand on my chest, stopping me.

"I can't do this, Bill" he whispered with his head tilted down.

He slowly raised his head and I saw tears glisten his crimson cheeks and well his golden-brown eyes.

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