ugh it's valentine's day again and it's pissing me off. ugh.

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"What's happening today sef?"

"Valentine's day na! Are you going to celebrate it?"

"Oh you mean the one time of the year when love is celebrated?"


"The only day florists, restaurants and candy shops make the most sales?"


"The day that most credit cards will be exhausted in the name of love?"


"The same day the most pregnancies will be recorded?"

"Okay.. Yeah.."


"You don't have to be a jerk about it, b!"

"I assure you, in the grand scale of the universe, it's essentially meaningless, which means putting all your time and effort even more meaningless."

"She's right.. Let's just go."

"As for me, I'll be going to church. Its Ash Wednesday. And eat normal, dress normal, act normal. Maybe watch some horror flick later. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!"

Where are all my singles at who don't care about Valentine's day?! I see ya, y'all. Peace.

okay okay wait. no offence to my lovey lovey dub birds but today is dumb. ehy choose one day out of 365 to show you love someone???! show them love everyday!!

and, you complaining you don't have a val, yes, YOU! there are people without mothers on mother's day, and those without fathers on father's day, and those without children on children's day, so shut. the. fuck. up.

that's it. i'm done.

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