Chapter 1: Mercy

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Since I'm a bit stuck on Dragon's Claw, I'm going ahead and working on this book for a little bit. Trust me, I'll get back to Dragon's Claw within the next week or two.

“What’s the status? I have a war to attend so give me the gist,” Sengoku stepped before a large viewing window to a room of such dark proportions. The Admiral had to squint his eyes before withdrawing his rounded spectacles from his face to press his forehead to the plexiglass just to see even a simple shape. He found that his attempts to see what lies within the room were all for nothing. He was slipping his glasses back on, pivoting to face a marine official head on as he wrote upon his clipboard.

The stocky man with dark eyes flashed an evil sneer with a short lived chuckle. “The female is still resisting greatly to treatment,” the marine shifted his attention onto the viewing window. “So we’ve resorted to more extreme measures. She passed out during her last session,” the marine, content with what sounded like an achievement in his eyes, brought his wrist to his face. He opened up a rounded casing strapped to his wrist, talking directly into the face of the baby transponder snail that sprouted to life within. “Turn on the lights to subject 1215’s room,” he ordered with yet, another satisfied smile as the lights within the dimmed room blinded Sengoku. Sengoku found himself backing away from the window as he groaned covering his eyes to adjust to the newfound brightness.

Sengoku was truly disturbed by the sight laid out before him. He’s seen worst, but this was something even he disagreed with. “I never gave permission to change interrogation tactics. This isn’t even humane,” Sengoku states as he took in the gory display more and more before he just couldn’t stand to look at it any longer.

The official snickered, “yes, that is true you didn’t. But this girl either has nerves of steel or she truly is innocent; we haven’t gotten a thing about the Revolutionary Army out of her. So, that’s why we ramped up the interrogation,” Sengoku clenched his fists with irritation before looking down upon the recently captured so-called ‘Revolutionary’ once again.

A frail woman, she was what looked to be her late teens, she lied upon the stainless steel floor of the small examination room in what looked to be a pool of her own blood as crimson as a withering rose. Dried hand and footprints made of blood were scattered around the room as concrete evidence of a scuffle was exhibited from the victim. She had sunken cheeks, the remains of her clothes just barely hung off her limbs. Sable rings below her eyes were morbid signs of sleep deprivation and malnutrition. Any sliver of skin that showed were coated in open wounds that seeped blood as fast as water, some of which were swollen and others on the edge of infection.

“Why would a teenager be part of the Revolutionary Army anyways?” Sengoku spoke his mind real quickly before another thought had crossed his mind. “We can’t just let her go free, especially not after what you’ve done to her. If news got out that we did this to her, the government will sink faster without the efforts of the Revolutionaries,” Sengoku regrets to reject your chance at freedom. If the interrogator wouldn’t have went as far as he did, maybe. But news like this just couldn’t be leaked.

“Then what’re you planning to do with the lad?” the marine spoke with distaste.

“Just give the girl a break for now. I’ll take matters into my own hands once I come back from Marineford.”

Unfortunately for you, Sengoku never did come back. He retired the second the war of Marineford had came to a close. With the sudden appointment of Admiral Akainu Sakazuki to Fleet Admiral, a lot of things had begun to change rapidly. And you so happened to be stuck in his area of command. Your fate wasn’t left undecided for not so very long. The Marine who ruined every chance of escape you had, had brought about your existence to Sakazuki’s attention. Not many words were exchanged…

“As long as it benefits the government, do as you please with her.”

The interrogational torture came to a bitter end, why bitter you might ask? It's freedom, but it welcomed in a whole new form of torture. Sakazuki thankfully had second thoughts and held an open vote between high ranking government officials and himself over where you shall reside. It was all so sudden, you were taken from that interrogation room, stripped of all your rights, forced to sit, bound by heavy chains, and gagged before the government to be poked and prodded, just to decide your fate. Hours of grueling argument were to follow… To kill, to spare, a split right down the middle like the marigold line that separates both sides of the road. Nobody dared to make a compromise..

And with the fifty-fifty chance of life and death, eventually you just blocked out everything. Your fate wasn't looking all that bright. You were already in hell and bound to stay there. The Government never could determine if you were working with the infamous Revolutionary Army, therefore, you weren't allowed to be released into the public just as Sengoku had claimed days before. And after that inhumane interrogation that permanently scarred you, you were, as they claimed, too frail to be a soldier for their benefit. Execution, more interrogation? It was one or the other, which turned out to be none of the above. A mallet was slammed down with brutal force upon the long table of which everyone sat before. You jumped startled by the action, your escort threw you down upon your seat once again. You were given a purpose of which you were never informed and shipped off to the science department of the World Government.

There began a whole new hell…

After two years of having your mind broken and stripped of all sanity. Bloodlust was the only emotion that moved in and remained with no sign of ever moving out. Like a virus on the brain that ate away at all reason. The World Government finally had their ultimate trump card ready and at their disposal after a patient wait of two industrial years.

You didn't have a shred of sanity left. That’ll be the death of you.

The fate of the Pirate Age rests in your hands…

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