Chapter 18: Shadow-Link

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There's yet another reference in here, good luck Danganronpa fans!

Your orbs opened up to a cavern of steel. Besides the air that entered and escaped through your nostrils with a whistle, a dull beep echoed within the room on a constant loop that seemed to go on forever. There was a sudden realization that your body felt heavy, almost as if drained of all energy you had. It felt as if you were drowning within the ocean but breathing, and unable to surface. A dead weight that'd sink and sink in the waters of black without any hope of rescue. Somehow you recognized this feeling above all else, an emotion better known than pain in your happy little world.


This all felt like deja vu above all else. "I've dreamt this-this scenario before," your heart picked up in pace with your hands and forehead feeling moist against the chilled air, the dull beeps within the room quickened in unison with your own heart like an echo. Footsteps came in such a rushed manner to a stop at your bed, you were too lost within your own terrified thoughts to even look. Your worst nightmare had became reality. A hand was rested upon your chest, causing you to jolt from nothingness.

"Calm down," the man asked quite nicely from you through his firm voice. "At this rate you'll give yourself a heart attack... Trust me, nobody needs that," the same man reassured. That voice became familiar as you took his words and gut them within your brain, it was all confusing though. Normally you'd never think twice, if you never heard somebody the first time you wouldn't even try to get the words just to reassure. And so your eyes left the steel ceiling and let out a breath of relief. "You recognize me (Y/n)?" Law questioned sounding lost on his end, never once did his eyes of gold leave yours.

"Y-yes... Why wouldn't I?" You asked greatly to your own confusion, then your mind fled to something else. "Nevermind that... I feel really weird," you pushed on the mattress to sit up, white flooded your vision, your head felt overly light all so suddenly. Law reacted quickly and pushed you down to the bed for a second time.

"Don't," he snapped. "I need you to sleep that's it. You aren't in shape-"

"I don't understand," you interrupted and began to shiver and shake. "W-where am I? What did you do to me? Why do I feel so different-"

"Calm down, you're actually in my bed on my ship," Law reassured once again, you took a glance around the room. He wasn't wrong, just normally you were in your own room or lying upon the examination table. Law understood your great deal of confusion, once the surgeon figured you finally got that fact through to your own self, he resumed. "I'll explain everything else later, I'm dealing with... A lot of things at the moment. Right now you're the least of my concerns," Law suddenly glanced towards the doorway. "Bepo told me about your awakening... When I really should be on deck-"

The door was thrown open with a crash! "B-b-boss!" Bepo scampered into the room in a sweaty mess with Penguin tailing behind him in a worried state quite similar to the bear's. Law snapped his head around with his teeth tightly clenched together. "Kid, he's attacked!" The polar bear wailed out, then suddenly the submarine shook violently, something bashed up against its side, knocking everyone to their knees.

"Fucking hell," Law hissed struggling to get to his feet through the rough bobbing of the vessle. "Of all times why now?"

"He got tired of waiting for you," Penguin huffed wiping the sweat from his forehead into his sleeve.

"Does he know about (Y/n)?" Law nearly gasped.

"No," Penguin stammered. "B-but he won't leave until he gets answers!"

"At least he isn't here for her," Law jumped from his spot, stopped suddenly and spun around. "You two stay here and keep (Y/n) calm... I can't imagine how scared she must be right now."

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