Chapter 20: Red and Black

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It's been a week, the crew was slowly recovering from the full-out war between the Straw Hat Pirates, Heart Pirates, and the Kid Pirates. Franky and Usopp were more than occupied with the task of repairing the Sunny. Franky was just thankful the main deck was destroyed rather than anything extremely important to a ship like the mast or keel. If those were destroyed, he'd probably cry himself to death being the Sunny was his pride and joy. You can't even count how many times you apologized for the mess, but Franky was happy none of the less. To him, the Sunny meant nothing, the joy of having his crew alive and well meant more than his pride. Now that really spoke numbers to you.

Meanwhile, Robin and Nami took care of meals, they were happy to do so while Sanji was out of commission. Everyone complained though, nothing compared to Sanji's level of expertise when it came to the art of cooking. Even you would knick pick at the food upon the plate, you realize you've become too accustomed to his cooking, now you'd rather starve than eat their cooking. Of course, Chopper and many of the others would scold you for how little you ate. You didn't even dare to mention that your appetite has diminished with your most recent surgery. Maybe it was a horrible side effect? Let's hope it doesn't lead to any more health problems later on...

Next was Brook, he wasn't much of a help so he was told to go play music all day. It decreased the tension although the toons did greatly annoy some.

Law, he didn't stick around for all that long. The Surgeon had depart the very next morning after the battle between crews concluded. He made sure that Sanji's vital signs were stable enough for Chopper to handle on his own before departing. So Chopper had been preoccupied with getting Sanji back on his feet. Sanji wasn't in any grave danger, thankfully, for he had a dangerous fever that was easily contained, and consumed too much smoke. Ironic being the heavy smoker that he was. His stronger version of Diable Jambe creates much more flame than ever before and inflicts great bodily harm upon his body by leaving burns to the third degree upon his feet and legs. If Sanji can find a resistance to heat, he could use this attack in the future without burning himself nearly to death. Chopper was just lucky Sanji has been using the attack for years now, or else the damage would've been much worse. To the grave worse...

And lastly, Luffy and Zoro. They were happy to take the task of watching over their prisoner. Eustass Kid. The brute hasn't been any trouble, but nobody could trust him enough to leave him in his cage unsupervised. Even in your opinion, you couldn't disagree with that arrangement. Today, however, you were the watchmen. Zoro kept dozing off, Luffy was hungry (no surprise) and very antsy. He'd resort to annoying the hell out of Kid and then things would get ugly real quick. With your devil fruit, you had the strength of two men, so you gave them the break they deserved.

"Morning... Hope you're happy," you sighed watching Kid stir from his slumber. The brute took your voice in as an alarm, staring at you from where he lied.

"Wh-what?" The man grunted, sitting up with support with what was left of his mechanical arm. All that was left was his upper arm, from shoulder to elbow. The rest Sanji melted off during combat. No arms at all must've been difficult in his place for sure.

"Kid, it's me," you snapped your fingers drawing his attention once more than rested up against the bars of his cage Franky had prepared after the fight. His eyes of crimson narrowed, vision clearing up while focusing on you, he still hasn't let the fact that you were there talking to him sink in. Or, even your presence confused him greatly.

"Fuck..." he cursed.

"So you don't remember a thing?" You rested your head up against the bars. Kid thought for a moment, before frowning and shaking his head from side to side. "You came, destroyed the place, but Sanji kicked your ass. Now both of your arms are gone too."

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