Chapter 27: Love Me

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"Sanji!" You shot awake in a cold sweat, literally shot awake with the need to jump from the wide inviting bed that enveloped you in warmth and comfort. Only to get thrown back down with a dawning bounce of the head like a hearty punch to the gut. "Ow..." Like a lonely dog, a whimper left your throat. One glance down, a thick, brown, crackling leather belt bound your chest to the mattress, leaving escape impossible. A quick glance around the room and you knew this familiar sight was the sick bay of the Sunny. But to be bound to the bed? This was both a curse and a blessing all wrapped up in one decorative box.

You couldn't help but to fight against the binds, clearly nobody wanted you to escape, there was no reason to stick around if that were indeed the case. This situation reminded you dearly of your time in the clutches of the World Government scientists forcing despair to overcome your frieghtend senses. When Push came to shove, and bite came to chew, the leather belt refused to budge and neither would you. Body was too overcame with fatigue to call upon your devil fruit to lend a hand, a distressed whine leaked from your throat, and a lone tear from your eye.

"Grrr, let me out!" You growled and thrashed about with teeth so tightly clenched together you could hear them crackle and scrape like fingernails against a blackboard. Within the moment, Chopper and Robin sped into the room with relieved looks written all over their once frightened faces. The second you saw them, well, you mimicked their actions and settled down. All so relieved that this wasn't a nightmare after all.

Robin craddled Chopper in her thin arms, sitting the little boy on the bed. "You woke up sooner than expected," Chopper giggled, fiddling with the buckle of your torn leather restraints. He seemed to be having trouble taking them off which was a bit alarming to say the least. Then again, belts were always a tricky object to master. Chopper looked up for a brief second with a sigh, "I just finished up Sanji's surgery-"

"What happened to him!?" You squeaked, knocking the reindeer over after another thrash against the restraints.

"Calm down (Y/n), the Cook is alright," Robin pushed down on your chest to somehow someway soothe you for the better. It wasn't really working though.

"What happened to him, and why am I strapped down?" You rephrased the question to better suit the situation.

"Sanji has some broken ribs, he even punctured his lungs," Chopper explained the situation very briefly and stopped his attempts in releasing you from your binds all together.

"But is he okay and where is he?" You repeated against your will. This was getting nowhere!

"He's sleeping in the dorms, now I belted you down because you were a bit restless in your sleep" Chopper finally answered both of your questions in one response. You let out a long breath that deflated your body like a balloon, Robin and Chopper were pleased with this side of you. You seemed to have understood and find no reason to fight anymore.

"Someone is here to see you," Robin spoke up after a minute of silence, Chopper had finally taken off your restraints, with Robin's help, and you were sitting up rubbing your pained tired eyes. Till finally, you looked up at the woman of wisdom with disinterest

"He, or she," you quickly corrected your own self since you were clueless. "It can wait, I want to pull something together for Sanji while he's recovering," finishing up what was bothering your mind, you swung your legs off to the side to brush up against the cold floorboards. Robin and Chopper were surprised beyond belief to your unexpectedly cold response.

"(Y/n)," Robin stomped her foot. "Sanji can wait, our 'guest' needs your full attention. Clearly you have no idea what happened yesterday, this is a matter of life and death!" You could sense Robin's pure hatred and concern towards you all by the way her tongue snapped and voice deafening. A cold new energy permeates the room. Chopper whimpered, hugging your blanket to his chest and face to hide better than his normal.

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