Chapter 9: Dragon

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"I'm home!" An all too familiar voice broke the silence of the unusually empty place you called home. Your eyes lit up with delight, sprang from your seat, throwing the grayscale newspaper to flutter and hug floor, all just to meet your hero who's old tired face became young and inviting to the sight of his daughter bounding towards him, and he hadn't even close the front door yet

"Dad!" You tackled your father as he stood with open arms, entrapping your body snug against his own. The smile you wore began to hurt your cheeks, but you couldn't care less if your cheeks hurt. You couldn't be happier.

"It's so nice to see my baby again," your father let up on the embrace after a moment had strolled right on by. His hands rested upon your shoulders, taking in the sight of your features before pushing a strand of hair out of your face to rest behind your ear. "How old are you now sweety?" And there you frowned.

"Eighteen daddy..." Your father's jolly smile slipped into a miserable frown as guilt washed over him. "My birthday was literally two months ago exactly... I thought you had died in action or completely forgotten about me because you never sent a letter home," you couldn't get past the fact that what you thought was a loving family man had forgotten all about his pride and joy. But no matter what the situation may be, nothing could beat the nostalgic feeling of knowing someone that you loved with every fiber of your body, had never left you after all.

Your father cupped your cheeks, kissing your forehead gently. "I'm sorry for worrying you sweetheart. I was docked at a Marine Base where all communications were prohibited. Letters, transponder snails, newspaper clippings, everything. I never forgot about you," you both embraced again after hearing his heartfelt apology.

Separating some time afterwards, you gasped with delight completely forgetting about your father's mistake for he dug through his Marine jacket that represented Justine in it's finest form, pulling out a slim white box. "Happy late birthday (Y/n)," your father wore a gentle smile. You wasted no time in taking the plain gift from his hands and led him to the dining room where you had slipped the cover of the box off, dropping the flimsy sheet of folded cardboard upon the ground, revealing a sea of white tissue paper. You folded back the decorative paper, heart sinking to your stomach to the contents inside.

Your worst fear had became a reality.

"A Marine uniform..." You tried to sound as excited as possible to hide your true feelings about the gift of white satin. You didn't dare touch the gift, not unless he expected you to put it on. The uniform itself wasn't new, it haunted you that he'd even dare to gift you this piece of memorabilia.

"While I was away, I became a Vice Admiral! That's your brother's first and last uniform." Your father cheered as he pulled two saucers from the kitchen cabinet, trudging back into the main room still smiling ear to ear.

"I'm so proud of you Daddy..." You were proud, but you knew where this conversation was going since the get go.

"Thanks Sweetheart," the burly man chuckled as he uncorked a red bottle of your mother's sake that she stashed away for special occasions such as this, it was his favorite brand of sake after all. You just hoped he'd wait to toast, especially since she was at work at the moment.

"Tomorrow, I'm taking you to the World Government to begin your training. I expect you to outrank me by the end of the year you hear me?" Your father glanced up at you while he finished pouring out the drinks. You forced a smile upon your face with one hand held behind yourself, digging your nails into your thigh to suppress your waking anger, to suppress a scream.

You sighed, "Dad it's a nice offer, but I have plans of my own," your father immediately frowned to your words. "I'll still be working with the government, but not as a soldier, even better than a soldier!"

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