Chapter 26: Teamwork

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So this chapter hasn't been edited and honestly a chapter is so over due that I don't think you'll care if it was edited or not.

I'll be honest, this chapter was inspired by Jurassic World. The chase scenes and the final battle with the Indominous fighting the T-Rex working with the Velociraptors.

"Stop it! You shrieked with eyes flooding of desperation for this event to end. You reached out for Sanji's writhing frame for he clutched onto his chest through the black suit concealing his body. Fingertips to brushed up against his arm that he never acknowledged. The gun still directed at his head locked and loaded. This was the end...

What happened to (B/n) to make him into such a heartless monster? One second he was this selfless sweetheart I've always known since I could remember, now he's just like when I was on the Overdrive...

Within that split second when (B/n) pulled back the silver trigger to his revolver all so slowly as if the world were being played in slow motion, all the facts lined up. A mechanical heart, superhuman strength, and mood swings...


"(Y-Y/n)?" Sanji blinked over and over. His eyes of sapphire weren't playing tricks on his weak heart. He saw you, longed for you. For you hovered over his body like a loving protective dog to its owner. Your breathing was more rugged than his own, seething with fury. "(Y/n)?" Sanji called you out again for you didn't seem to hear. "(Y/n)?" Sanji winced, lifting his hand with all the effort he could must, just to graze your cheek. The skilled hand disappeared from sight from behind your face of flesh. Sanji choked on air, his hand remained passive within your right cheek.

His heart felt like a boat. A ship sailing on the sea in the dead of night, a storm rolls in with a mighty thunder for the ship to descend below the waves never to be seen again. That was until, he saw two crimson eyes close in on her prey, and a dismembered arm lie just inches from his face, pale, twitching, staining the grass in crimson.

"W-where is all this blood coming from?" Your brother fell forwards to crash upon the plush ground to your absence beneath his foot. The bullet made its mark, but Sanji wasn't in range? The bullet landed, but the only blood to be seen pooled at (B/n)'s side to dye the grass with crimson. "Sh-shit!" His brown eyes went blank to the realization that his arm were cut off just at his elbow and a weakness that seemed to drain from his body.

That's what (Y/n) did to Eustass the last time they fought back on Law's ship when she left for a few months. She dismembered his arm just like this. Is this her way of thinking, Cutting off the enemy's limbs so they can't hurt you? Smart yet so fucked up even for you.

.. Sanji gulped down the lump cutting off the airflow in his throat. This fight has already gone South, blood was spilled and now you won't respond to a thing Sanji has to say. You were feral, like a wild cat or wolf. Something snapped within you to trigger this response, or lack of response if you want to get technical, and you can't revert back.

Sanji growled, kicking at you only to completely phase right through your body. This time it proved that he wasn't a spirit wandering outside its host, your body clouded up in a black almost purplish smoke with each contact he made with your frame. "(Y/n) You got to listen to me!" Sanji frowned, rolling out from beneath your frame, only to clutch at his chest. Everything hurts, it felt like knives were being thrusted into his chest and forced to reside in his sensitive flesh. Time was running out, soon enough his lungs will fill to the brim with blood and drown. "(Y/n), I mean it, listen to me!" The blonde repeated. "You won, quit fighting with him! We need to leave-"

"You're not going to get a word through to her, shut up!" Sanji's attention shifted focus onto another, he gazed in the direction of the order, beyond surprised to have found the order came from the man in red.

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