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  'It'll be fun they said. You'll be happy they said. It'll be easy they said. Hah! Yea right, easy my ass.'

  You think with a forced smile, staring at the run down shack that is now your new beloved home. You pull your luggage beside you as you head to the front door and enter the living room. Well, more like living room/kitchen and bedroom in one. Your eye twitches when you see the whole place is covered in dust and cobwebs.

  'I swear, they have enough money to send their daughter of to a new country yet they don't provide a nice place to stay in?!'

  With a groan, you place your luggage against a wall and start to wander around, trying to get used to your new home. Thankfully, the place was well furnished with a bed, desk, and small table to eat on. There weren't any silverware, plates, bowls, or other cooking materials as well as bathroom utilities, so you'll have to buy those later when you find a way to earn money.

  Just the thought of having to go out and find a job to keep a living makes your head hurt. You try and push away the thought and head to a small supply closet you found earlier and grab the broom to start sweeping. After a few hours of sweeping, moping, and energy consuming scrubbing, the house is spotless clean. The windows, floor, counters, heck even the walls and ceiling is sparkling clean!

  With a tired sigh, you drag yourself into the long awaiting bed and start to doze of into comfortable sleep.


  You stir slightly in bed, still in your casual clothes, and slowly start waking up. You reach out your hand over to grab your phone, resting on the bedside table. Pressing the power button you're hit with the blinding light of the phone screen.

  'Ah fuck! Help I've gone blind! Oh wait I live alone...'

  You rest your head back on the pillow and rub your eyes, trying to ease the pain. You hold the phone with the bow low brightness, in front of your face and read the time displayed. 3:00AM. You groan out of annoyance that your lovely beauty rest had been interrupted by an unknown force. You drop your arm and rest it beside you, you roll onto your side and try to get back to your dream of (KP/N)[K-Pop Idol Name or any famous person].

  When you were finally able to got back to sleep, you get startled by a loud thump coming from next door. By a loud thump, I don't mean 'something accidentally fell', no I mean 'a whole bus has just fell from the sky' kind of thump, followed by a scream.

  You spring up to a sitting position on your bed and contemplate whether or not you should check and see if your neighbor is okay. Deciding to be a good respectful citizen, you rush to the door to put your shoes on and rush to knock on your neighbor's door.

  "Hey! Are you okay?! Hello?!" You knock continuously, hoping to get an answer.

  When there's no response at all, you panic a little and hover your hand above the doorknob.

  "I'm going in okay!" You grab the knob and push open the door to see a young man sitting on the floor with a scared look on his face.

  "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" You approach the boy, unaware to the fact he has no clothing whatsoever.

  As the boy nods his head slightly, flustered to the fact there's a girl in front of him grabbing his face and checking for injuries. You on the other hand, spot another male laying on the ground, unconscious. You get up from your kneeling position beside the tall male and head to the unconscious one, a bit worried.

  "Hey, wake up please! Are you okay?" You shake the male a bit harshly, trying to get him up.

  "Wait! Don't do tha-!" Before he could finish his sentence, he collapsed and the unconscious boy woke up in a spring.

"H-Hey!" You reach to shake the now sleeping tall male while the small one tries to stop you.

  Before they could stop you completely, he falls to the ground and the tall one wakes right up. Confused on what is happening at the moment you stop and stare at the two males trying to process the situation. The tall male grabs the blanket laying beside the small one and tries to cover himself, still to the fact his is currently naked.

  "I-I know this may all seem weird, but please try to understand!" He says, his voice full of nervousness, looking at you thinking you won't believe him when he explains it.

  "I know you may not believe me but please trust me! I was sleeping when, I woke up and I was in this body! That body you see there is actually my real body, I don't know how I got this body right now, but I just know if you wake him up this body will fall asleep and vise versa. Please don't tell anyone what you saw, I do t want to put anyone into more trouble!" He looks at you with pleas in his eyes and puts his hands together in a prayer, hoping you'll believe him.

  You look at the two bodies, who apparently are one person, with some uneasiness but nod you head eventually. "Okay, I'll believe you, I don't really have a choice from what I've seen already anyways..."

  The boy let's out a sigh of relief and thanks you. He then proceeds to explain a little bit of what he has learned so far in the small amount of time.

  "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't greet you properly. I'm Daniel Park, nice to meet you." He introduces himself with a kind smile displayed on his face.

  "Nice to meet you Daniel, I'm [F.Name] [L.Name]." You say with a small smile.

  "Are you not from here, I could tell by the way you spoke. Ah! I mean- not in a rude way!" He tries to say a bit flustered, hoping he didn't make a mistake.

  "Nah it's fine. I'm from [Country], actually. I just got here earlier today."

  "I hope you enjoy your time here then [Country]. Um..it's a kind of late right now, so I think you should go back to sleep..." Daniel tries to find an excuse, not wanting to sound rude, for you to leave since he still needs to find himself some piece of clothing to wear.

  "Oh yea, sorry I'll go now. I'll see you later maybe, good night Daniel." You say as you stand up from where you where currently seating and head towards the door.

  "Goodnight!" Daniel shouts as you exit his home and close the door.

  As you enter your own house, a wave of exhaustion suddenly hits you and you make your way towards your bed. You lay in bed a few seconds staring at the ceiling, still trying to process what the hell just happened a few minutes ago. Either way, you turn to your side and pull the covers 'till your all snuggled up and drift off to sleep.


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