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"What are you doing? Why aren't you fighting?!"

"Whoever wins gets their nude pic deleted."

Outside the store, both Jiho and Daniel stood beside each other, the goons glaring at them for not making any moves to satisfy their entertainment.

"They aren't fighting.."

"Fine let's make this interesting." The pointy chinned goon said in thought.

"If G-Hole wins, no more serving us."

Jiho gasped in shocked, he thought for once he would be free from the goons and being their loyal dog servant. The thought of no longer doin the goon's chores made him rethink not then current situation.

"Wow~ Jiho would love that."

'If I can just beat him, I can escape!'

Jiho constantly thought about his chance to be free, thinking of only beating Daniel. On the other hand, Daniel was nervous, gettin cold sweat of what Jiho would do.

Jiho clenched his fists, he started to feel a slight bit of confidence, he raised his fists and started to swing at Daniel. "Take this!" He was hitting Daniel who was trying to block his attacks. In the background, the goons were cheering on.

"Hit him again!"
"Damn funny!"

'I can feel his desperation, let's just let him win. I get hit daily anyways..' Daniel thought, still trying to defend himself but not attacking.

"Tubby! Why are you just standing there?"
"Should I upload this on SNS?"
"G-Hole punch!"


Meanwhile in the bathroom, (Y/N) was getting irritated at her game.

'C'mon! C'mon! Damn it! It's always the last note I miss! I had all perfect!'

She fights the urge of throwing her phone to the restroom wall. She lets out a sigh and shuts off her phone. For a few seconds she just stands there, contemplating whether to leave the small room or not. Pushing off the wall she was resting on she grabs the door's knob to leave, as she open she door and walks closer to the front of the store she starts to hear voices. She looks at the once occupied cashier counter, seeing Daniel wasn't in his usual spot. Again she hears loud voices coming from outside, she looks out the store window just in time to see Jiho hitting poor Daniel. The loud voices, more like shouts at this point, were from the goons.

She glares at the three goons through the window, her anger towards them increasing by the second from the smirks on their faces. Moving from her spot she exits the store, ready to stop them. She opens her mouth ready to tell them off when a new voice comes out. "Enough."

The goons look annoyed from the new voice, not knowing who it's from. They turn their head in the direction of the owner of the voice.

"Mind your own business, take a hike."
"Don't interfere or you'll be sorry."

When they find out who it is, they tense up. Before then was a young tall male, the same one from before with tattoo covered arms and chest, wearing a sleeveless shirt and red earphones.

'Euntae Lee! The architecture class prez! Mighty Vasco!'

Euntae, or better known as Vasco, stood there silently staring at the goons, making them become more tense. The oversized blonde haired woman on the other hand, was fawning over the new presence. The two victims who were now forgotten by the goons stood by the side, Jiho in slight shock by seeing Vasco right there before him, Daniel looked confused on who this person was. You also were curious of who this new person was.

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