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  You lay in bed bored out of your mind. You couldn't hang out with Daniel since he apparently has gotten a job, wow already got a job and here you are with limited amount of money and ramen to live off.

  'Damn, I need to get a job... but where can I find one this soon?'

  Your thoughts get distracted when a loud rumble of your stomach makes a noice of a giant whale. With a sigh you get up from the warm bed and head to the small kitchen, you open a cabinet only to see that it is empty. You check the other cabinets and see they're the same as the first cabinet—empty.

  'Well shit, were did all my food go. Hope I got enough money to fill one cabinet.'

  You grab your wallet that was resting on the bedside table, head to the front door and put on your shoes. Your about to head out, when you notice what your wearing, some shorts and a revealing tank top. Not much to cover, making a U-turn, you head back and grab a (F/C) hoodie. Sliding on the warm comfort of your hoodie you step out and head to the nearest convenience store.

  As you neared the small store, you see through the window Zack standing in front of little Daniel, a variety of alcohol placed in the counter between them. The closer you get, the more clearly you can see Zack is not pleased at all. His followers stand behind him, whispering among themselves, when something they said made Zack snap into rage mode. Just as you pull the door open to enter, a flying fist heads into little Daniel's face. Your eyes open wide from witnessing the scene before you, without thinking you charge in front of Zack and stop one of his fists with your hand.

  "What the hell are you doing?" You send a glare to him, clearly not pleased from hurting your friend.

  "(Y/N)? Move, I have some business to take care off." He yanks his hand away from your grip and is ready to attack the poor boy behind the counter.

  "Uh huh, business." You reply with an eye roll. "Stop what your doing and leave, your wasting my time."

  With your words the four troublemakers leave only to wait on the other side of the street, waiting for you to leave and continue their 'business'. Your turn around to face Daniel, seeing a bruise starting to form on his cheek.

  "You ok?" You ask with concern in your eyes.

  "Y-Yeah.." The poor boy says, looking down ashamed that he couldn't protect himself.

  "If you say so...anyways I came to buy some things." You turn around and head to grab ramen, chips, and other snacks as well a packet of cokes and chocolate milk just in case.

  You head back to Daniel, who rings up your content. After some small chit-chat you leave off to go home.

  "Stay safe! Don't get into any trouble!" You give a last wave with a smile to Daniel before leaving the small store.

  Daniel gives a shy wave to your retreating figure, a small pink tint on his face, knowing a kind person—much less a girl—has enough care for him.

  As you head back, you didn't take notice of the recent group of troublemakers heading back into the convenience store.

  "Hey you little shit! Don't think you could get so easily. Come outside let's have a talk." Zack said with a menacing glare towards Daniel, who reluctantly left his station and headed outside only to be greeted by punches and kicks.

  After a few beatings, he was forced to fill his pants down and pose for the cámara in front of him with a bloody and bruised up face.

  "I hope you understand, this is for insurance. If you report us, we will spread this photo. Got it?" The one with the cámara threaten him.

  After they left him be, he was able to regain his composure and walked off to a secluded area, not far front the store and crouched down.

  'Phew, at least I didn't sell them those smokes, I could've been fired the first day.'

  He thought back to when they first came in. He pulled out his phone and decided to dial his mother.

  'I can't just rely on mom. Should I call her?'

  A few rings were heard until a female voice picked up in the other end of the phone.

  "Oh who's this? My son~ Son~ what are you doing up this late?" It was clear that his mother was in a happy mood by just the tone of her voice.

  "Um..just talking a walk. The night air's so fresh here." A smile creeped up on Daniel's face.

  "Amazing! I'm out for a stroll too!" His mother gushed.

  "We're on the same page! Hehe."

  "Son, how's school?"

  "School? Don't worry I'm really popular," But only during the day..

  "I was just with a few classmates!" They beat me up though..
  "Mom, how have you been?"

  "You know...I'm doing fine~ Because your away, I'm taking this night stroll. Son, don't you need more money?" His mother offered.

  "No mom! I'm fine!"

  "Aright, just trust your mom and study hard. Don't worry about money, ok son?"

  "Yes mom I understand, I'll try my best!"

  "Hehe, alright. Okay, I'm gonna walk a it more then head home. I love you son." She said, with a smile on her face, masking away the tiredness it contained not a moment ago.

  With the two parting ways and wishing one another a goodnight, Daniel walked home seeing how his shift is almost at an end. From the receiving end, his mother sat on a curb, next to her a stack of flattened cardboard boxes, a job she obtained in hopes of being able to support her beloved son.

'Sup everyone, this is ya boi, the author, Yukio.
Just wanted to thank you all who took the time to read my pics of trash called a story, ehehe...
Also, thank you for the 100 reads; never thought I would get that much recognition.. but yet here I am writing a thank you message, wow.
For fast things grow :,)
Ok anyways, thank u for the 100 reads, the recognition. I'll try to update as much as possibly if my schedule allows me to, but expect updates soon!


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