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Daniel's POV.

  After leaving (Y/N) behind, I walk off to the back of the school. The place those goons wanted to meet up was secluded and away from any eye witnesses.

  'I know this situation! I got beat in a place like this all the time...'

  "So your name's Daniel?" The big goon stands in front of me with an intimidating face.


  'Scary! I spent all my money on this uniform!'

  I try to avert my eyes when he suddenly pulls out a packet of cigarettes and offers me one.

  "Where you from?" The goon is smiling at me while holding the packet in his hands.

  "Your freaking tall."
  "Ah, sweet." The two other goons say behind him, both with the same smile as the first.

  "You..hehe..made trouble and that's why your here, right? Look at your shoulders, you work out?"

  I just stared at him with my eyes wide, as he kept giving me compliments.

  "You must be a ladykiller. Hook me up sometime, big guy."

  'Wha-what should I do?!'

  "Hey, that chic you were with, she yours? I'll take her if she's not." He's smile turns to a smirk.

  'I can't smoke, they'll think I'm a wuss.'

  "Ah.. I quit smoking." Their faces then turned to shock. "And..I don't know any girls. And you can't touch (Y/N)." I stare back at them, trying to look intimidating.

  The faces of the goons were scared after taking a look at mines. "Then I'm out." After I said that, I turn around and make my way back to class, trying not to glance back. As I walk way I over hear the last things they say.

  "That prick definitely works out. He's got some nerve."


  I walk into the class and see (Y/N) walk up to me and grabs my face.

  "Daniel! Are you ok? Did they hurt you anywhere?"

  "I-I'm fine!" I feel my face turn slightly red, I grab her hands and take them of my face. "I'm okay (Y/N), don't worry."

  "Hmm..okay." She backs up and goes sit down on her desk and continues to play on her phone.

  I go to my own desk, when I sat down I start to feel a wave of drowsiness come over me. Not taking notice of what I was doing, I rest my head on top of my arms and drift to sleep...

  'Oh shit!'

  I sat straight up from the bed in my regular body in panic.

  'I must have fallen asleep in school since that body couldn't sleep for long!'

  Because I was tossing and turning all night, worrying about going to school in that body..I must've passed out! I got to get back to that body! I'm not sure if I can sleep when I've slept all day but, please go back!

  I curl myself into a tight ball with the blanket and try to fall asleep.

  'Ugh I'm screwed! I can't sleep! Oh c'mon, fuck, fuck, fuck...'

  I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping I get back.

  'Fuck, fuck, fuck...'

(Y/N)'s POV.

  After playing on my phone a bit, waiting for class to start again, I turn my head and see Daniel falling asleep on his desk. I let a small smile creep into my face as I keep looking at him.

  'Huh, he looks cute when sleeps...'

  In the corner of my eye I see Zoe get up and head to Daniel's desk with a smile. Knowing what she intends to do, I slowly get up from my own desk being cautious.

  "Hey, you shouldn't do that.." I say and try to reach out to her trying to stop her but she pushes Daniel a bit harshly trying to wake him.

  Not a second later, he stands straight up and let out a loud, "Fuck!"

  Startled by his yell I look at him with shock, taken back that this child just yelled out a profanity from his own mouth. On the other hand, Zoe looked like she seen a ghost for the first time in her life. Daniel looked nervous that he just yelled at a girl that was right in front of him.

  I reach out to Daniel and pat his arm, trying to calm down his nerves, taking noticed he is still a bit drowsy.

"What the?"
"Are they fighting?"
"Is the skank being told off?"
"Embarrassing, hehe"

  I look back and see a small group of students snickering while looking at Zoe. I look back at hear checking if she was okay, but when I do, her face was full of bliss and she had heart eyes, looking at Daniel. I swear I could see a pink cloud around her and sparkles form around her...

  'What the hell is wrong with this girl...'

  I thought while giving Zoe a look saying 'are you crazy or something?' That was ignored by hers truly. I shake my head thinking, these people are not normal at all. Nope, nada.


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