Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Tia's POV

"TIA!" I hear Zayn scream from behind me, but I keep walking.

The house is way past being crowded, and I can't seem to find the nearest exit because I can't see over all the people.

I feel someone grab my shoulder, and turn me around.

It was Zayn

"Tia, don't run away from me." he says panting for breath

I jerk my shoulder from his grip.

"Zayn, do you not understand? I don't want to talk to you ever, now leave me alone." I say beginning to walk away.

Well I attempt to walk away, until I feel his rough hand grab my shoulder again.

"You aren't leaving until you hear what I have to say." he says pushing me into a room.

"Zayn, let me out." I say crossing my arms

"Tia, hear me out." he says sitting me on his bed. "When I intended to be your "friend", it was joke between Niall and I. I never thought just by hanging out with someone for a couple of days, you could care for them so much-" I cut him off

"Please Zayn, don't give me some bullshit story so you don't look like the bad guy." I say shifting my body on his bed

"Whatever Tia, I tried." he says sighing

"Can I go now?" I say aggressively

He doesn't reply, so I take that as a yes.

I stand to my feet, and quickly walk out.

I make my outside to the backyard.

The fresh air helps me clear my clustered head.

I see Harry and Katie still talking.

They are sitting on a bench under this really big tree.

I begin walking over to them.

I stand in front of them, and they are so deep in conversation, they don't notice my presence.

So I begin swinging back and forth on my feet.

No, still nothing.

"Excuse me" I say, and they finally notice me "Erm, hey I need Katie." I say and Harry just looks at me.

"Yeah?" Katie says

"I don't want to be the one to ruin things, but I really need to go home." I say

"Oh, why?" she asks kind of upset

"There has been an issue." I say

"Zayn?" she says

"Zayn?" Harry says "So he was by your house, I knew it." Harry smirks to himself

"Yeah, and I regret him ever coming there." I whisper to myself

"So what did he do?" Katie asks

"Well the question is, what didn't he do?" I say beginning to cry a little, the thought of it all just pisses me off.

"Don't cry Tia, tell me what he did." Katie says pulling me into her

"Well, basically everything that was going on with us was all a joke between him and Niall." I say rubbing under my eyes

"A joke?" she says

"Yeah, Niall basically had a bet with Zayn to see how long it would take to destroy me or just sleep with me, and when we had slept together, it had nothing to do with him "caring" for me. It was the bet, he filmed us and everything. I am just so pissed off because I felt for his games. God I am such a hypocrite for talking about the girls who felt for Zayn" I say, and I can feel the anger build up the more I think about it.

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