Chapter 19

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A/N: wow, 49 people read chapter one. (Yes I know that's not a lot of people at all compared to most stories on wattpad) I only know of at least 6 people who have read my story. Hello my 43 other people. You're are pretty amazing. Though I don't know who you are, I still like you.

Tia's POV

"So we can go home and start everything over?" Zayn asks getting up from the bed

"I never said that." I say turning onto my side

"I thought you said I win." he says as he itches the bride of his nose

"I did, but I never said you can call all of the shots. I'm not ready to go back."

"You'll have to face reality eventually. You can't keep avoiding it all Tia."

"But I don't have to face it now. I'll worry about it when the week is over. I still have a good four days." I smile at him

"Wipe the smile off your face Tia. This isn't cute." Zayn says sternly

"I never asked you to stay with me." I say walking into the bathroom

"Well I'm not going to leave without you." He says standing in the door way

"You have no choice, we both have our cars." I say looking into the mirror. I grab a towel and begin to wipe the eyeliner from under my eye

"That's not what I mean. I mean I am not leaving till we leave together." he says stepping closer to me.

"Then you'll be here for another four days." I say turning around facing him

"You really don't want to go back home?" he sighs

"No, not yet. But I would love if you could scoot a little. I need to get something from my bag." I smile looking up at him

"Nah, I feel pretty comfortable standing here." he says moving back into the door way

"Zayn" I whine trying to move his body "You this isn't a fair advantage, you are so much taller than me." I say looking up at him

"Since you are so small, I could easily do this." He says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder

"Zayn!" I yell as I begin kicking my legs

"It's time to go to bed little girl." He says in a baby voice laying me onto the bed

"I am 18, I am no longer a little girl." I say in my defense as I cross my arms

"What 18 year old still crosses their arms?" Zayn laughs

"Me" I say pointing to myself grinning at Zayn

Zayn leans into the bed to kiss me, but pulls back when we are interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Zayn say as he cocks his head to door

I make an uneasy face at him, and then look at the door.

"It's him isn't?

"Zayn, I swear to god, if you're an asshole to him, I will not talk to you." I say standing to my feet. Opening the door to see Austin stand in the door way

"I never thought you'd answer Tia. I was kind of upset I thought you left. Did Zayn show up?" Austin asks

I open the door a little more and Zayn finally appeared to Austin.

"Well I guess he did." he says walking in "Now I never thought you would go for guys like that." he says eyeing Zayn up and down

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask

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