Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Zayn's POV

When I arrived home from Tia's place, I feel sort of relived that she actually agreed to this.

Even though we aren't going to be alone, every chance I get to see her the better.


Well honestly I don't know.

I mean we are just friends right?

Well whatever we are, I guess it's better than her hating me.

When I walk inside, Niall is sitting on the sofa.

I haven't talked to him since the night he fucked everything up.

When I am midway in the hall I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Look Zayn what I did was pretty shitty. I'm sorry dude." Niall says nervously

"Niall I don't want to hear your shit." I say shaking my shoulder from his grip

"No, I mean it I am really sorry, but you can't be that pissed at me. You are just as guilty as I am here. At least I fessed up to it. You just pussied out of telling her because you didn't want your little toy to be mad at you." Niall mocks me

I turn to face him, he looks kind of intimidated.

"She isn't a fucking toy. Look Niall I really could give shit less about our friendship anymore. You fucked up. That's about it. So don't come at me with your sad sorry story. And we may be both wrong in this situation, but the way you told her, and did it without me knowing is what I am pissed at Niall. So go find another person to go fuck with because I am out." I say walking to my room and slamming my door behind me.

"Fuck!" I yell throwing my lamp at the wall

Harry comes storming into my room.

"Dude what the hell is wrong with you?" He says slowly shutting my door behind him.

"Fucking Niall" I say sitting on my bed

"What'd he do now?" Harry asks sitting opposite of me

"I don't I am just done with everything, and everyone." I say resting my arms behind my head

"I thought you fixed things with Tia and everything." Harry says

"Yeah, we are going on a like a date I guess you could say with a bunch of other people. How romantic?" I say sarcastically

"Oh, who is all going?" Harry asks nervously

"Tia, Katie um Tia's ex Jack who I don't care for, and Jade and Cam." I say

"Is Katie going with Jack? Please tell me she isn't?" Harry groans at his last word

"She is, but I guess you could say she's being nice." I say

"Why the fuck does she owe him anything? He cheated on her fucking best friend." Harry says getting mad

"His brother just died Harry. I don't like him either. I have to spend a fucking day with him, but I am doing it for Tia." I say scratching my chin

"Oh" was all Harry said

"Why does it bother you so much? It's not like you and Katie are together. Plus you and Olivia are together." I state

"No, Olivia and I broke up the night of the party." Harry says annoyed

"Do you like Katie?" I ask laughing

"No" Harry simply says with a small smile

"Oh okay" I say sarcastically

"I'm not her type. Useless to try." Harry shrugs

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