Chapter 42

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The week goes by fast, and my friends leave.

Zayn and I are left at our house.

He sits on the chair next to the lamp, and I lay on the sofa flipping through the stations on the television.

We've been in this position for about an hour, and Zayn hasn't said one word.

"Is everything okay?" I ask directing my head in his direction.

He nods, but keeps his head directed at the T.V.

"Okay." I sigh not trying to pick a fight with him right now.

I stretch, and get up from the sofa and walk into the kitchen. I open the cabinets and observe the food we have stored in there. I grab a bag of chips and walk out to the back and sit on the swing.

The breeze feels nice as it pushes back my long hair. I take a deep breath in and exhale out.

"Soothing" I think to myself.

I begin to close my eyes, but I feel a vibration coming through the pockets of my jeans.

The called I.D. Reads Jack.

"Shit, what does he want?" I ask myself.

"Hello?" I say into my end of the phone

"Is this Tia?" I hear Jack say

"Yes? What do you want Jack?" I ask annoyed.

"I'm sorry to bother you, if you're busy I can go. I just wanted to hear your voice." He sighs into the phone.

I shake my head and let out breath. "I'm sorry, I just have so much going on."

"I understand, do you want me to go?" He asks

"No, I'm okay now. So how is everything at home?" I ask biting at my nail.

"It's good, we surely miss you here. Especially since you just upped and left without telling anyone." He says with a sense of attitude present.

"Look I am sorry, but it was the right choice at the time. I had so much going on. I needed to get away." I say as I watch Zayn stand from his chair, and walk into the hall.

"Yeah, but to permanently move, and so far across the country and with the number one douche there is." He scoffs

It's taking every in me not to explode on him right now.

"Okay, I know I'm messed up for what I did and with no explanation, but I did it for me. And do not call him a douche, do you understand me." I say through my teeth, "And you really have no room to talk. Remember why we aren't together?" I smile to myself.

"Yes, but I'm different, he's always going to be that way." Jack says, and I groan.

"You know nothing about him. Don't try to tell me how he is. He loves me, more than you ever had. If you called to tell me about my choices, then you can hang up right now, because i'm not going to let you dictate my life."

"I'm not trying to dictate your life Tegan, all I'm doing is watching out for you. I love you Tia, I'm in love with you. Every girl i've dated after you could never compare to us. I can't get you out of my head. I've tried dating so many other people, but I feel nothing, but there's you, and I feel fire, I feel everything I've ever wanted." He says, and I place the phone on the side of my leg. I take a deep breath and pick it back up.

"Look, i'm sorry you feel this way, and all I can do is hope you find someone like me, but better. I hope you can overcome this. Jack I'm just a girl, please try to get over me, I can't stand to see you sick like this, especially over me. I want you to be happy, that's all I want. But it can't be with me. Jack, i'm- I'm engaged." I stutter into the phone, and I hear the other click off.

I look at my phone, and my lock screen appears. I place my phone down, and rub my fingers through my hair.

"It's going to be okay." I feel hands beginning to rub my shoulders, startling me.

I turn around to Zayn, who is standing over me. "Listen, I don't want you to have put up with this all the time." He says taking a seat next to me. "I want you to relax. That's why we got away. You're tensed again. Just chill out, ignore him." Zayn says pulling me into him.

"You heard me?" I ask sniffling.

"The windows are opened babe." He smiles, and I chuckle.

"Why were you so mad earlier?" I ask him.

"I don't know. I just think i'm overthinking." He shrugs.

"About what?" I ask

"I just feel I pressured you into everything. Like leaving, and moving, and then proposing. I just feel I have like consumed your life. I don't know. I feel bad, like I'm the source of your problems. I mean if you want to leave, and never talk to me again, I understand. I'd be so hurt, but I've hurt you so many times, I feel like you are just saying yes to me because you feel bad, or maybe afraid?" He says, and I place my hand on his cheek.

"Are you crazy?" I laugh

"Very." He laughs back putting his forehead to mine.

"Zayn, don't feel that way. I love you, so so much, it's crazy. You haven't pressured me to do anything. I did it because I wanted to. Because I'd rather die than be apart from you. I did it for me, for you because I love you. Stop overthinking, I'm here for us." I say grabbing his face and kissing his cheek. "Let's go inside." I say standing to my feet.

"You are too good for me." I hear him whisper, but I don't respond.

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