Chapter 30

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A/N: soooo, I made a second story, which can be found on my profile. You should read it and yeah I don't know where I am going with this, and yes it's another Zayn story. Also for this story, I have been sloppily writing which makes me really upset. Like the last chapters I really didn't like, and I am trying to fix it. :(


Tia's Pov 

I wake up and automatically check my phone for the time. It's already three in the evening, and I have more missed calls than I had the previous day. I turn to the left of me and Zayn is still asleep. I don't want to disturb him, so I quietly get out of the bed walking to the kitchen. When I open the refrigerator food was actually stocked in there catching me by surprise.

"Tia?" I hear a Zayn say barely audible. I pop my head out of the side of the fridge, and look at Zayn. "Why'd you leave?" He whines

"I got hungry." I shrug with a small laugh

"Oh, okay" he says and I hear him shuffle in the bed. He walks into the kitchen and stands against the cabinet. "Are you ready for our drive today?" he asks

"No, I mean it's so nice here, a little too nice." I laugh shutting the refrigerator deciding I wasn't hungry anymore. "Be happy you don't have to drive." he states walking back to the bed.

"This was your idea, remember?" I smile at him

"Yeah, whatever you say smurf." he teases me 

"Oh my god, leave me alone." I tell him with a shocked expression, as I sit next to him on the bed. "Well we should get ready to leave." he says laying back on the bed.  "Don't we have to bring everything downstairs to the truck?" I ask 

"No, I am pretty sure they will." He says standing up, "I am going to the bathroom." he says, so I decide to turn the T.V. on. The first station that came on was the news, so I decided to watch all the crap that was going on the country. 

"And in other news, we are on the look out for two missing teens, by the names of Zayn Malik and Teagn Wilson, if anyone knows where they could be, please contact us immediately. They were last seen leaving school. Here's a picture of the both of them to help, please bring these kids home." The news reporter says and I am nearly frozen. "Zayn!" I begin yelling and he runs out the bathroom.

"What? What's wrong?" he asks out of breath

"Look at the television now." I tell him pointing at it.

"Holy shit." Was all he could manage to say.

"Zayn what do we do, now we can't go anywhere. We have to sneak out here." I tell Zayn "Forget everything, it will only make it easier for us to get caught."

Zayn places his hands on the side of his head, "Come on, now." he says walking to the door, and I quickly follow behind him. 

Once we make it outside I ask him the new plan. "I don't fucking know Tia." He says getting into his truck "I need to process everything before I say anything." 

I stay quiet not wanting to upset him more. But I decide to break the silence, "I don't know why you didn't think this was going to happen. Both of our parents really care about us. What did you expect?" I ask

"For them to leave us alone." He says slamming his hands on the steering wheel "Zayn, really? Their kids are missing, they must be going nuts." I begin realizing how much we are hurting them right now.

"I understand Tia, but we can't go back right now, it's too soon, let this die down a little." he says

"This won't die down until they find us." I argue back 

"No, I mean with the media, as soon as we get back they will want to play 21 questions." He says 

"The longer we are gone, the more curious they will be, and will have more than 21 questions." I state

"Fine, well call your father and tell him you're fine." Zayn says

"What?! No." I say

"Well I am not calling my mother, and you are the only one freaking out about it, so?" He says 

"Okay" I say beginning to dial the number on my phone.

"Hello?" Is what I say when I hear the line pick up.

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