The Fault in Our Kellic

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instagram: denimmichael

I hope you like it :)



Tonight was the night.

I was finally going to propose to Jaime.

I can finally call him mine.

We're on our way to a Christmas Eve party at our friend Austin and his boyfriend Alan's house that they have every year. I kept glancing over at the most perfect human being ever. How can he contain him self just sitting next to me like that? Shit he's adorable.

For some reason Jaime didnt seem really happy or in the mood for the party, I don't know why but he has been acting different lately. He's never in the mood to do anything anymore. He just mopes around, or doesn't pay much attention to me anyway. I really hope his mood tonight will change because tonight I was going to propose.

We got in the car and drove off to Austin's. As I was driving Jaime looked lost in his thoughts like he usually is and actually looked a little bit disappointed. I felt like his mood had been by my actions on whatever I could have possibly done so I attempted to calm him down by holding his hand and driving with the other he just wasn't having it..

Okay, something was definately wrong, And I couldn't think of it being anybodys fault but mine. Of course. Way to go Vic. I ignored my thoughts and didn't mention anything to Jaime.

After 30 minutes of silence and awkwardness we finally arrived at Austin's. Thank god, the quiet was stabbing me in the chest and making me anxious.

I felt around in my pocket to see if a little box was still there, just to reassure me that things would be okay. I got out of the car quickly and caught up with Jaime who seemed to be in a bit of a rush. That's strange, Jaime was usually one to take hes sweet sweet time. Once we got to the door we knocked and were greeted by a short ginger haired boy and a big smile.

"Vic! Jaime! you guys made it!" Alan said and leaned in to hug us both.

Once we got inside we were greeted by many different faces. Everyone was so happy and cheerful. I mean fuck it was Christmas Eve! I should be joyful too, I mean I AM proposing to the love of my life tonight.

Jaime and I slowly drifted apart as the night went on. It's so awkward without him, just standing around here. I hate to sound like a teenage girl but I need him. We hadn't' talked at all since we got to the party. I needed to claim him, I wanted him as mine. I felt like It was time.

I looked around to find Austin, I needed his help to make this as special as possible. When I finally found Austin I stood on my tiptoes because he's tall as hell, and whispered to him.

"Do you think you could find some mistletoe ?" I told him.

He nodded and patted my back lightly. Step One: Complete.

Now it was time to find Jaime. I looked all over, but he was litterally no where to be found. What the hell? He wasn't in the living room, nor the kitchen, so I thought it was best to look in the bedrooms. Maybe he was wrapping extra presents ? I don't know, I just went and looked.

I managed to get through the crowd of people. I frantically headed down the hall to the guest bedroom. I lifted my arm, made my hand into a fist, and knocked on the door. No answer was recieved, so I knocked again. I heard shuffling around so I walked in. I couldnt believe my own eyes. It was something I couldn't possibly imagine seeing my whole life and when I did, it hit like a ton of bricks.

My heart sank.

The love of my life, an angel sent to me, my supposed to be fiance, lay there, kissing another pair of lips.

I stood there for about 10 seconds, close to tears until Jaime noticed me. He then stopped kissing the unfamiliar face and stood up.

"Vic, its not what it looks like." he said straight away.

"DONT BULLSHIT ME JAIME I KNOW WHAT I SAW."tears began swelling in my eyes.

I gave him a good smack to the face, right on the right cheek already turning a bright pink and making his face turn the other way . How could he do this to me? He looked at me with those amazing, dark and cheating eyes that I have loved for so long but never knew how poisonous they were. He had a look of devastation, but I didn't care anymore.

"You hurt me Jaime. You hurt me bad. And I will NEVER, forgive you for that." I stormed off, pushing through the crowded house filled with drunks and ran to my car once I got outside.

"VIC WAIT!" Jaime screamed after me. I heard him and it took everything in me to not look back as the tears just kept streaming down my cheeks. I jerked the car door open, sat inside still crying, vision blurry and I rolled my window down and chucked the ring at him.

"Merry Christmas you narcissitic asshole.." I paused. "Take care Jaime."

With that I drove off with tear stained cheeks and my heart hurting almost feeling like it was about to shatter. The feeling of betrayal, pain, and anger was now running through my veins. I knew exactly what I needed.

Happiness, straight from the bottle, Cause real life's to hard to swallow.


I hope you enjoyed (: <3

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