Chapter 16

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Kellins Pov:

It's Saturday. Thank god I am off of work, because it would be awkward to see Jaime after yesterday. I mean, Vic kicked his ass.

Vic and I were currently in the car on our way to get Copeland. Hopefully picking her up went by fast cause I cant stand to be around Kate for longer than a few minutes. I missed my princess so much. I hate not being able to see my own child everyday.

I came to reality, escaping my thoughts, ans realized it was really quiet in the car. Vic was softly tapping his foot to the music playing. When that song ended, All The Small Things by Blink 182 starting playing, so I turned it up because who doesn't love that song? A grinning Vic turned towards me, making my face mimick the expression.

"ALL THE, SMALL THINGS." Vic screamed loudly, but in tune because his voice is god, and began tapping his fingers on the edge of the steering wheel.


"ALWAYS I KNOW YOU'LL BE AT MY SHOW, WATCHING WAITING, COMMISERATING" Vic sang, we were now jamming out at a stop sign in the car.

"SAY IT AIN'T SO, I WILL NOT GO, TURN THE LIGHTS OFF, CARRY ME HOME" We both sang together, with no cares in the world.


About 5 minutes later we were pulling up in Katelynne's drive way. I shot up and out of the car, running up to and through the front door, not bothering to knock because I was anxious to see my little monkey.

Instead of seeing Katelynne sitting on the couch with Copeland in her arms, I saw my child laying on the floor crying and no sight of Katelynne. I was furious. She fights for custody and now she pulls this shit? I went to find Katelynne in my old bedroom and heard what sounds like moans. I really didn't want to be here. Okay now I'm overly pissed.

"YES FRANK!" I heard. Okay gross, you have a one year old in the other room.

I didn't want to walk in on them having sex, because I didn't want to see something unbearable. I took my phone out, and started recording. I panned to copeland screaming on the floor, and then to the door which disgusting noises were coming from. I turned the camera to myself.

"I came to pick up Copeland and this is what I see." I say.

I stop recording, and pick up Copeland. I only recorded that shit because it's proof shes an awful mother. I grabbed Cope's diaper bag and quickly storm out of the house.

When I get to the car, I buckle Copeland in her car seat, putting a pacifier in her mouth, and kiss her head. I make my way to the front seat and grab Vic's hand. I just needed something to calm me down.

"So, did you see Katelynne?" Vic asked while pulling out of the driveway.

"Nope, But I heard her moaning some guy's name. Some Frank" I spat.

I didn't mean to snap at Vic, I was just angry about Katelynne not taking care of Copeland like she is supposed to!

"Kells, I'm so sorry." Vic soothed, he was now looking at me.

"Vic, it's not your fault love. I'm just pissed that Katelynne is fucking some dude when our child is on the floor crying. I'm happy Katelynne moved on, but seriously? What makes her think it's okay to do that?" I said.

"I don't know baby. I know this is really hard for you, but I just want you to know that I love you very much and I will be there for you, always. I promise." He said.

This is why I love this man. He is the sweetest, most genuine fucking person I know. I'm so lucky to call him mine.

"I love you too, thank you Vic. This, you, everything mean a lot to me." I meant it. I leaned to peck his cheek.

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