Chapter 10

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My head began throbbing. I couldn't even bare to look up anymore. I was supossed to be here, doing the right thing, taking my child to the doctor, but of fucking course something bad happens. Why me ? Why does everything have to happen to me? It's not like I wanted everything evil in the world to take over my life.

"I'm Craig, I'll be with you today, is there a Copeland Qu-" he stared at his clipboard throughout his greeting, and when he finally began to say Quinn, he glaced up. Fear written all over his face. What do you do when you come face to face with someone who you tried to rape?

He slammed the door closed and just stood there. I didn't know what to say either. Was there anything really to be said ?

Within a second of the door coming to it's closed state, Vic had already lunged at the man in scrubs. Copeland just sat on the doctor's bench looking around. She was so innocent, and completly oblivious to this terrible, terrible world.

Vic's fist made contact with Craig's nose. He was now on top of him, like in my previous memory from the concert.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM?!" Vic screamed.

I quickly hugged my arms around his body from the back. I pulled him off of Craig, which was quite difficult. Vic isn't heavy what so ever, There's just no strong part of my body at all.

"Come on babe." I whispered in his ear, making him shiver. He loosened up in my arms. I guess he felt safe. I don't know. I'm no mind reader, but that's how I'd feel if the tables were turned. I let Vic go and kissed his cheek.

"Please get Copeland to the car, babe. She doesn't need to be around someone" I gestured to Craig who was still lying on the ground." like this."

Vic nodded his head, and picked up the little girl in his toned arms. Gah, I love those tan, toned arms. Kells, your gay is showing.

"Why'd you do it?" I said, eyeballing my attacker, and almost-rapist.

"You're hot, I wanted to have some fun." His nose was bleeding, and I could tell his face was in pain, but he still managed to wink at me. Disgusting little prick.

I kicked him in the Johnson, flicked him off, and left the room without another word.

"Bye Princess." I heard Craig say as I slammed the door.

I hate him. I hate that man with all of my heart.

I rushed down the hallway, wanting to get out of this place as fast as possible. I needed to get away from Craig . I needed to get away from this place. I just wanted to be with Vic right now.

"What's the problem, Mr. Quinn?" The front desk lady asked as I headed for the door.

"YOU'RE FUCKING NURSE IS A RAPIST!!!" I screamed as I walked out of the building.

I turned after closing the door, gave the lady a fake smile through the glass, and gave her the finger. I walked to the car with my best friend in the air towards the building.

Thank god for middle fingers.


"What'd he say to you back there?" Vic asked as we drove with no specific destination.

"He said he did it because 'I'm hot and he wanted to have some fun'. "

The car jerked to a stop Vic hit the steering wheel with his fist. He was seething with rage. Hell, I'd be the same way if I were in his shoes.

"I'm gonna kill him!!" Vic said.

I placed my hand on his thigh and gave it a small squeeze. Vic looked up at me and I put a reassuring smile on my face. He slightly smiled back, but put his forehead on the steering wheel.

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