Chapter 9

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I was awoken by the sounds of birds moving along with their mornings. Was it really already morning? Ugh, I fucking hate mornings.

I opened my eyes slowly, glancing at my surroundings. Copeland was in my tan arms, wide awake. Her big bright eyes, met my drowsy ones. She began to giggle and I couldn't help but smile. This is a great face to wake up to. Kellin was still oversleeping like a dog on the floor. Imagine that.

He began to shift his body, and eventually woke up. He had the same look on his face that I'm assuming I did. Copeland still faced me, now hand in mouth. I looked over at Kellin.

"Good Morning beautiful." I greeted him sweetly. Hopefully he didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Good Morning, yourself." He glanced at the squirming small person between us. "And good morning, my little monkey." I smiled at the sight.

Cope put her face on my hand. She was really warm. I didn't pay much attention to that.

"Dada" she spoke.

My mouth made an 'O' shape. Oh my god, I didn't know how to respond, so I looked up at Kellin, who was just grinning. Gah, does he know how amazing he looks? He's the only person I know who can pull off a bedhead. He's stunning and I probably look like a troll.

Copeland turned to Kellin and put her hand on his face, like she'd just previously done to me.

"Dada." she spoke.

Kellin's grin took over his face. I couldn't help but return the feature. I was trying to process what just happened. Dada. She called us both dada. Oh my god. My thoughts were inturupted by Kellin's sweet voice.

"I told you she likes you." he said. All I could do was nod.

Our moment was interrupted by a faint sneeze. I looked down to Copeland, Kellin and I both staring at the little human. What is it even doing ? I thought. I know nothing about kids, wow.

"OH MY GOD SHE SOUNDS LIKE A FAIRY!" I blurted out. Kellin started laughing, and managed to fall off the bed. Maybe ROFL was a real thing. Who knows.

"Are you okay?" I chuckled. Classic Kellin, gah he's great.

"I" he tried contolling his laughter. "I'm great, babe!" I smiled at the sight, when another sneeze came from Copeland. "Oh my god, SHE DOES SOUND LIKE A FAIRY!" He looked so amazed, and his eyes filled with excitement.

Now I was the one laughing. This is our kind of relationship, and I love it.

"Maybe she's sick?" I managed to choke out. "She felt warm earlier, but I didn't pay much attention to it, I just thought it was because she was in between us." He gave me a caring look.

"Matty said she was coughing and such last night. I'll go schedule an appointment with the doctor later on today. Will you go get the thermometer babe ?" I nodded and he moved around the room in search of his phone.

I made my way to the bathroom, tripping over my own feet a good 3 times. I've always been a clutz. When I was younger, my brother Mike and I had one of those egg race things on Easter and within 2 steps of the course, I'd already fallen. My feet always manage to find a way to make me trip, or fall, or stumble. I have no clue what the have against me.

I opened up the Medicine cabinet and reached to the top mini-shelf and grabbed the thermometer. I really hope that cope doesn't have the Flu or something serious. I re-entered Kellin's room to find him holding a phone to his ear, and Copeland in the other arm. Copeland really did look like Kellin. I walked over to them, and scooped up Cope.

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