Chapter 20

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This has been a rollercoaster, and I'm sad to see it end, but we're super excited for LLBR. Alright so hurr we go.

last chapter..



I was awoken by Matty lifting me out of mine and Vic's bed. Why was he here? And where was Vic?

"We're going to get you ready, big man!" Matty cheered.

"What are you talking about? And how did you get into my house?" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"It's you wedding day Kellin!" he screamed. He was carrying me bridal style, and nearly dropped me face first. He really was excited about the wedding, and it led me to thinking about what Vic said about him being gay. Maybe I'll ask him about it later, I mean he has to tell me. Who am I to judge, I'm getting married to a man today for crying out loud.

Matty took me outside to his car, and we drove off. It was like 8 A.M. or something, and I seriously didn't want to be awake right now. I was excited about getting married, yes, but who even gets up this early? Matty on the other hand, could barely stay still. It was as if he'd drunken a thousand cups of coffee.

"Matty can I ask you something? But like dont get offended or anything." I said, turning the Breathe Carolina down from the radio.

"Mm, what's up?"

"Do you um.. swing my way?" I asked

Matty nearly crashed the car, because he was laughing so hard. The jerking of the vehicle really woke me up, and I realized, IT'S MY FUCKING WEDDING DAY! A smile crept to my face, and I couldn't seem to make it go away, not that I wanted it to.

"Well, listen here Kellybear. I swing both ways. But for now, I've got my eyes on a special someone who just so happens to have a dick." Matty managed to get out.

"I KNEW IT! Why didn't you tell me?" I said. He shrugged his shoulders and turnt the music back up.

We arrived at Matty's house in a few minutes, and he instructed me to shower. I did what I was told and hurried to the bathroom. I lathered shampoo through my hair quickly, and washed my body off. My thoughts led to Vic. Never in a million years did I see myself marrying someone like him, especially when I was with Kate. I look back on my past self and wonder how I thought I was in love with her. I guess it was just in the moment, and our parents tried so hard for us to get together. I never really experienced love until I was with Vic. It's a completely different feeling, that you can't really explain until you've felt it. I can't believe after today, he's going to be mine. We're going to grow old together, and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone besides him.

I walked into the living room in only boxers, because Matty hadn't given me anything else to put on.

"So what are we doing again?" I asked.

"Oh hey! You're out! Alright, we gotta get you in your tux, do your hair, and then we gotta pick up you're soon to be brother-in-law, so lets get on with this!" He spoke so quickly, I barely understood, so I simply nodded.

Matty went outside, leaving me in his living room alone, so my thoughts wandered back to Vic. My mind seemed to always go to him. He's like a drug and I can't relax. We've been through a lot these past months. It seems like years, honestly. With that thought, Matty came bursting through the front door.

"Ah shit we're running late, Kellin come on with it, put this on." He handed me the tuxedo, picked his phone up, and called someone who I didn't know. I smiled at the Tux, remembering how Vic and I picked them out. I don't belive in signs, but if he and I picking the same one wasn't a sign, I have no clue what is. Although we had the same one, he looked better in it. He disagrees and tells me I'm perfect, but I'm still insecure. The thing is, Vic is the first person to actually make me feel like I'm not an emotional piece of shit, and I actually feel like I'm good looking. He brings out the old, confident, happy, me from high school and that's one thing I love about him. I'm 21 now and Vic's 24, which is weird to think cause high school seems like yesterday. Vic just brings out the real me.

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