Charmed Demi-Gods

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SPECIAL THANKS TO COZYBXBLOVER, for so much encouragement and being my muse!!!

An Old Timing House

Zak, Pete, and a sad-looking Heath were sitting on the couch being yelled at by Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.

"You boys are very reckless." Poseidon said calmly to a texting Zak, sleeping Pete, and crying Heath.

"SIT UP!!!!" Zeus roared, with thunder clapping as an side effect. This caused Zak and Pete both to flinch and pay attention. "You three are stripped of you magical statuses as Demi-Gods."

"WHAT?!" Zak and Pete yelled in unison.

"Exactly as he said." Hades commented.

"Dad, I know I may have striked a dog or two with lighting, but we shouldn't be stripped of our rightful statuses." Zak pleaded with his father, Zeus.

"You three are going to cause us as Gods to become exposed, so you will only have your supernatural powers... and of course that God awful Charmed Power." Hades smirked, answering for his brother instead.

"BUT... WHAT ABOUT HEATH? He hasn't did anything risky." Pete informed.

"He and I already discussed that matter." Hades looked sorrowfully at Heath "It's ok, son." Heath ran to his room and slammed the door.

"I suggest that you two get it together," Zeus said. "I mean it, Zak!"

"Ok, Dad!!" Zak growled. Zeus teleported away, while shaking his head in disappointment towards his son.

"Sorry, boys." Poseidon smiled softly to the boys, as left also.

In Heath's Room....

"Son?" Hades called.

"I didn't do wrong! I'm an Honors Student, I graduated High school top of my class, and got accepted to Columbia Record's roster." Heath yelled.

"I know son...." Hades was saying, but Heath interrupted him.

"... then what magic was exposed, those two are the dangerous ones, NOT ME." Heath pointed his index finger in a hard motion towards himself.

"You're linked with them as Charmed." Hades said simply.

"Just go dad." Heath whispered lowly.

"I love you, son." Hades teleported away.

The Next Day
At The Old House....

The boys were getting ready for the first day of college. The smell of bacon, eggs, sausages, and waffles filled the air via Pete's cooking.

Heath walked down stairs texting away on his phone. With his black locks flowing easily, he wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a gold and black vest, with gold combat boots.

Pete was already downstairs, making breakfast for his cousins and himself. He had a normal boy cut hair style, that was softly gelled back. He decided to wear a pair of cargo pants, with a black polo shirt, along with a pair of black tennis shoes.

Zak, who wasn't downstairs, but was always the first person up and last to sleep, had on the basic leather jacket, a graphic t-shirt, jean pants, and boots.

As Pete continued to cook breakfast Zak and Heath poured into the dining room.

"Did I tell you how much I love your cooking?" Zak sucked up.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 1) Boyxboy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now