Love & War

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At the Vampire Castle

"Sir Zak, what colors do you want to have the castle decorated this month?" Leo, the assistant asked.

"Is he asking me?" Zak looked at Bruce highly confused.

"You are the Queen, and the Queen says how the castle looks." Bruce smirked into a laugh.

"Stop calling me a Queen." Zak snapped lowly.

"I only kid, puppy." Bruce smiled then pounted at the assistant who was still wating for an answer.

"Oh Red and Gold, please." Zak said and the assistant ran away.

"Don't say please." Bruce advised as he read his morning paper.

"Why?" Zak said grabbing some toast.

"It shows them that you aren't taking charge enough, and that you're more an assosciate than a 'King'." Bruce stated.

"So.." Zak didn't see a problem.

Bruce sighed," Puppy, then the respect that you NEED won't be there."

"Oh." Zak stated lamely. "Why do you call me puppy."

"I find them adorable, I can never get mad at them, when I was younger they held my world, like you do now, and it's adorable how you always try to relate us to werewolves." Bruce looked into Zak's eyes sincerly.

"Awe." Zak joked and kissed Bruce. A white light in appeared in a tall cylinder and Zeus stepped out of it.

"Dad...." Zak gasped.

"Am I not invited to breakfast." Zeus asked like an asshole, then sat down.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Zak was still confused.

"About the conversation from last month." Zeus stated seriously.

"Am I am not giving up on my mate!" Zak roared.

"I'm not saying that, but the consequences are dangerous." Zeus warned.

"We'll deal with them!" Zak snapped.

"And if death is a consequence." Zeus said.

"Then I will die by my mate." Zak looked at Bruce and smiled, Zeus observed this.

"If you are sure about this then we will have a meeting to allow God and Vampire marriages." Zeus stated. "You and you're coven will have to show." Zeus looked at Bruce.

"Yes sir." Bruce nodded.

"And of course ALL of the Charmed Ones, even Pete." Zeus was highly serious.

"Dad, Pete just had a baby." Zak protested but Zeus didn't budge at it.

"What I say is standing!" Zeus looked down. "Oooh croissants."

"Guards!" Zak fake called.

At The House

Pete was feeding the baby, while Allen was out at work.

"Awe, my little cousin." Heath came in from the recording studio.

"So does Justin still talk to you." Pete smirked.

"He actually stopped producing my album." Heath smiled. "Can't believe that Zak lied about the unmating spell."

"He did?" Pete asked burbing the baby.

"Yeah, he broke the love with Justin." Heath smiled.

"Is that why he won't come out for Zak." Pete said.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 1) Boyxboy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now