Sweet Melodies

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Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo minions! lol I'm goofy today, here's the mid-season point of Season 1. I will only do 12 episodes as season (like true blood..*cough cough*) til readers want/requests/beggss (lol ok not begs, but you guys get it.) ENJOY>

On Heath's Date

"So, Thomas, tell me about yourself." Heath commanded.

"Well... I am a doctor, no family left, but a coven. I own a few acres in the country with a mansion. Uhhh I constantly get called into work so I hope that won't bother you at all." Dr. Hendricks stated with worry.

"No, not at all, and can you please stop looking worried, slash guilty, slash nervous." Heath smiled causing Dr. Hendricks to smile also. "Wait, did you say coven... like a vampire coven?"

"Yes?" Thomas expression from earlier came back.

"Hold on..." Heath grumbled. He pulled out his phone a dialed and waited for an answer.

"Hey, how did your date go...?" Pete was trying to ask.

"A vampire Pete? You sent me on a date with a damn vampire!" Heath yelled and got weird looks from people passing by.

"It's just a minor detail..." Pete cringed as Heath yelled again.

"A MINOR detail! Do I look like Sookie freaking Stackhouse to you!" Heath yelled into the phone.

"Just give him a chance." Pete sighed.

"Abbbbb soooo lutely freaking not!" Heath was about to hang up.

"If you dont try with him, I won't fix things with Allen!" Pete rushed.

"You guys are engaged not dating!" Heath snapped.

"That's what I told Allen." Pete sighed again.

"I should go..." Thomas was getting up.

"Sit down, Cullen!" Heath referenced.

"Cullen??" Thomas was ignorant to the insult.

"Twilight, the movie or books, which ever suits." Heath said going back to the phone. "I wish you were a demon so I could blow you to hell."

"If you and Thomas don't work out along with Allen and me, the you can blow me all you want." Pete said exhausted.

"Are Zak and you into incest, because he's been hitting on me all week and you are starting too..." Heath asked timidly. "And I refuse to have a threesome with my cousins! " Heath said causing Thomas to spit up his drink. "Hey, that's a good magarita you shouldn't waste that!"

"I'm drinking coke." Thomas said shyly.

"See Pete, I can't even get his drinking beverages right." Heath fake whined.

"Heath, don't pull that fake crap with me, you know vampires hate alcoholic drinks." Pete said.

"Yeah, I should since one broke my heart." Heath said. "I call you when I get to the recording studio."

"Ok. Behave to Thomas and Bye." they hung up. Thomas looked horrid and hurt, which pained Heath.

"It's not you, I Promise, I have had my heart shattered by a vampire in the past" Heath thought then returned to the past. " I just don't want to go through that again."

"You can't base your future off of the past." Thomas said lowly.

"Why are you so shy?" Heath asked.

"You do that to me, remember at the senior year party." Thomas said.

Senior Year Party

"H- He- Heath, will you go on a date with me to the movies tomorrow?" Thomas stuttered.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 1) Boyxboy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now