The Life We Choose To Live

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At The House

Pete ran in and ducked behind the couch as a girl demon ran in and through a laser zap. The laser zap it put a huge hole through the wall.

"Ok baby, I promise not to get hit with that." Pete tried to blast the woman, but she did a backflip but tripped on a table.

"Zak and Heath! Hurry up!" Pete yelled. The woman was about to through a lazer spot on at Pete.

"Hey bitch, how about this for a zap." Heath hit her with a black zap that sent her into the wall.

"From out of space, out of mind

vanquish this evil through life and time." they chanted and she blew up.

"Ugh this is the 5th session that I've missed at the studio and if I keep doing that then my album will not ever come out." Heath sighed sitting on the couch.

"And I can't keep getting scars if I am going to be model." Zak looked at his arm that was covered in his own blood.

"You two have issues? I am a pregnant man I don't think I should be doing this either."

"Maybe, we could quit?" Heath suggested.

"No, that would defeat the purpose of us being blessed with the powers, no matter how hard it gets we can't just abandon our destiny." Pete said holding his stomach while sitting down.

"Heath?" Thomas came in and acted timidly.

"Yeah, in here." Heath sighed slightly and went into Thomas' arms.

"You are injured badly, all of you are." Thomas accused and glared at Pete.

"WHAT?! They make me vanquish demons, and she was strong and powerful as hell." Pete defended.

"You are putting you and the baby at a extremely high risk and it is dangerous to continue on like this." Thomas added sitting down on the couch with Heath.

"Thank you, for the millinon't time." Pete grumbled. "What do you suggest we do?"

"You need to rest while you two need to train a lot more." Thomas pointed out.

"What?" Heath and Zak were taken aback.

"In order to protect your future neice and/or nephew." Thomas spoke up.

"Hmm." Heath hummed.

"Heath, you know I wouldn't say anything to hurt your feelings. Training is to better you guys. You three are well respected and to let them see you three at a weak point is open challenge for everyone to try and vanquish you guys." Thomas explained.

"Ok..." Heath sighed.

"Can I have a kiss?" Thomas was sad and looked guilty for upsetting Heath.

"I'm not upset." Heath kissed Thomas' cheek.

"Ok, I can get my coven guard to train you two." Thomas said.

"How soon?" Zak asked.

"Now." Thomas clapped and Heath & Zak fell on their butts in a training room as a bunch of vampires looked at them.

"Welcome Charmed Ones!" the leader said.

"Hello?" Heath smiled.

"Can I sleep with him?" Zak whispered.

"If you like." the leader challenge.

"I forgot you guys had that super hearing crap." Zak sarcassed.

"Better to hear you moan." the leader laughed.

"Oooh this the one Heath" Zak jumped off the ground.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 1) Boyxboy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now