Anything Is Possible

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This episode won't be so depressing Minions, promise.

At the Doctor's office

"Mr. Halliwell, you are...... pregnant." the doctor said.

"Okay, really I'm cranky as hell today and I am not for hearing this foolish crap today. SO, IF YOU WOULD PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG!" Peter screamed.

"Pete!" Allen scowled softly towards his boyfriend and shook his head.

"Oh... oh... oh, I'm sorry doctor... something.... came over me, I guess." Pete said looking confused.

"Beggining stages of the pregnancy." the doctor smiled obviously used to the random screeching.

"So, I am really preggers?" Pete asked seriously with fear written all over his face.

"Yes, sir. You are indeed three weeks pregnant." the doctor smiled. Allen jumped up and down and kissed Pete's forehead. Allen didn't think about the consequences of them having a baby - he was just extremely happy to be having a son.

"How is that possible?" Pete wondered out loud.

"Well, since I'm a magical doctor and I do know your origins and I highly recommend not seeing a regular physician. One of your uncles inherited the powers of the Goddess of Love, enabling male gods to become pregnant. Because your uncle was a homosexual male he desired to feel what its like to be pregnant - so he made an magical antidote and snuck it into all the male gods dinners, during an annual feast, even his owns and it affected the male god's sperm and reproductive systems." the doctor recalled the legend. "Which means you and your cousins can all get pregnant and if you have male children, so will they if that's the route they want to take."

"So... how will my body adjust?" Pete worried with a harsh sigh. "Also what if my offspring doesn't want to get pregnant?"

"Just like a female's, you will be sore for somedays, because your body is turning into a females, but not entirely... just the waist and genital area, oh and your ribs so the baby is comfortable." the doctor informed. "And if no one wants to bare it, they either need to use protection, be the giving partner, or take the counter antidote. Which are available at witch stores."

"So, I can't vanquish demons?" Pete asked, knowing if he can't then his cousins would most likely kill him.

"It wouldn't be very wise to, because just like a female you can have a miscarriage." The doctor said. "Anything else?"

"No. That is more than enough. Thank you." Pete smiled half-heartedly and mentally groaned.

"Ok. Wait, right here I'm going to write you a prescription that will help with the morning sickness." The doctor left the room.

"What if its a boy?! I can play soccer, baseball, football, and raquetball with him, teach him martial arts, and even start a buisness together." Allen ranted. "Or what if it a girl, my little princess, father daughter dances, interrogating boys that want to date her, teaching her martial arts. WHAT IF WE HAVE TWINS!" Allen's excitement was inspiring, but to Pete, at the moment, it was annoying.

"Yeah..." Pete said less excited, still taking the information in.

"You're not happy about the baby or babies?" Allen sounded dejected.

"No... I mean I am, but I'm only 20 years old. This is going to be my life that going away." Pete said.

"And what, you're saying I'm not going to be there or have a say in what happens or what goes?" Allen was getting offended.

"I don't mean it like that Allen!" Pete snapped.

"Then what do you mean, Peter!" Allen snapped back.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 1) Boyxboy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now