Total Gods.... But I'm A Witch

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Hey Minions, this is an update to Charmed:DG (Season 1). I really hope you enjoyed episode 1 . AND I LOVE YOU ALL.

In Alley

Heath was running down a dark and filthy alley, but he was stopped by a demon who shimmered in front of him and blocked his way. Heath came to a fast stop while swinging his arm. After Heath swung his arm, his telekinesis came in effect and the demon was sent flying into a dumpster.

"Argh. Witch!" the demon cursed as he started to regain his composure and stood up.

"Tell me something I don't know." Heath sighed and placed his hands on his hips.

"You're going to die!" The demon roared.

"I don't think I know that....?" Heath threw a ray of fire onto the demon it blew the demon up. The area around him disappeared and you could see Heath in a illusion practice room. "That was toooo easy!"

"Heath, you are suppose to practice your abilities, not your roasting jokes." Emili sighed. Heath walked into the room. "You three need to take this serious, because with out your statuses as Gods-the world's good and evil balance is totally off."

"Well, we can only do so much!" Pete snapped and stormed away.

"Excuse him." Allen begged, then followed like a lost puppy.

"Zak, your turn." Heath gave a goofy smile and patted Zak's back.

Pete and Allen's room

"Pete, honey, I know you are upset, but you can't keep storming out of the room like that." Allen tried to reason.

"Its so frustrating Allie, because they tell us all of these problems that we are supposed to stop, how we are supposed to be Total Gods, but I'm only a witch." Pete sat in Allen's lap.

"Babe, I know its going to get tough and hard, but you three are destined for this." Allen kissed the side of Pete's head.

"Sometimes it doesn't feel like it... At all." Pete sighed and rested his head against Allen's shoulder.

In the Desert.

Zak was fighting a demon when another stabbed him in the side.

"Emili, let me out of here!" Zak yelled, but the illusion continued. "I'm not gonna lose control, I won't lose control." Zak eyes involuntarily turned all blue. "No.... please." Zak begged and a growl ripped out of him.

The winds turned the dust into millions of sand F5's tornadoes. The tornadoes were everywhere and dancing around the desert.

"Rahhhhhhh!" Zak let out a vicious roar.

The demons were swallowed up and eroded one by one per tornado. But Zak was still on a rampage, rain poured down, and lighting striked everywhere.

"Emili, stop it" Heath rushed.

"Even if I do it won't stop HIM from his powers." Emili said.

"Zak, calm down!" Heath yelled through a microphone.

"Help me!" Zak cried as lightning shot towards Heath and Emili, which shattered the barrier, Emili hand hit a knob.

"FUCK!" Emili yelled.

"What?" Heath asked.

"That!" they saw hundreds of zombies about to attack. Heath jumped into the room and ran to tackle Zak but wind blew him back and pulled Emili into the room.

"We need to stop Zak." Heath said.

"Zombies are getting closer." Emili yelled. Zak zapped a snake that tried to strike him.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 1) Boyxboy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now