Temptation of an Angel (Part 1)

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At The House

"Dusk, you left your keys on the floor." Heath said walking into their room, he and Dusk had decided that it would be best if Dusk lived with the cousins for training. Dusk was very sweaty and glancing around the room in a paranoid manner.

"I need my wings, I will kill if I don't get my wings back." he roared, as if he was on drugs, out of nowhere he pulled out an athame. Heath gasped and tried to move away, but Dusk grabbed his arm. "Give me my wings." He roared, then stabbed Heath with the athame.

Dusk jumped up from his sleep with sweat covering his body and with blood seeping from his wing's scars. He gave a whimpering cry, because the pain was getting to him.

"Dusk?" Heath woke up and called tenderly, from feelings of blood and sweat touching his body it woke him up.

"Uh, just go to bed." Dusk sighed, kissing Heath's head with a weak smile.

"No! You are bleeding, but where from?" Heath searched him until his eyes landed on the glowing and burning wing scars. "Dusk?"

"Get away from me, Heath...." Dusk said suddenly, looking carefully at his hands. "NOW!" He roared, loud enough to be heard throughout the house.

Zak, Pete, and Bruce rushed into the room to see Dusk holding Heath by his throat. Dusk turned to glare at the cousins, as Heath tried to catch his breath, Zak's eyes slowly started to glow white and Bruce's fangs elongated. Before those two could kill Dusk Pete froze him. Heath broke free from Dusk's hands and ran by his cousins.

"He didn't mean it guys, he's possessed or something. I swear." Heath quickly covered up for Dusk, knowing Zak was about to rip him to shreds.

"Well, lets tie him up before he goes crazy again." Zak sighed, still sleepy and exhausted from a demon fight earlier that day.

3 Hours later

"Let me go!" Dusk snapped like a feral animal.

"Dusk, its me Heath, I know you are in there some where but I need you to come back to me." Heath begged.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Dusk roared. Heath jumped back and landed on the ground with watery eyes.

"I'm going to go upstairs." Heath mumbled and slowly walked back upstairs, as he held back his sobs.

"I should strike you into the deepest pits of hell." Zak hissed venomously. "You really have lost your god damned mind to yell at the only person in the world to care about you!" Zak growled, walking up on Dusk in a threatening manner. "Pete, I'm going to the kitchen." Zak walked away.

"Dusk, just here me out, okay? I know you want your wings back... Heath told me all about your past- from the torture to the loss of your family's wings, and I know you broke rules, but its inhuman to yell at him for wanting to help. Heath would obviously give up his life for you, but you have to do the same in return." Pete said calmly. "I will release you, we will follow you, and show us what you need." Pete whispered. "So, we can finally end this for once."

Pete walked upstairs, but he swung his arm and the rope blasted off of Dusk's wrist. Dusk looked grateful and walked slowly so they could follow.

"Heath...Zak-hurry!" Pete yelled.

"Where's Dusk?" Heath asked highly worried.

"I let him go." Pete said

"You what?!" Zak yelled, while both Heath and he glared at Pete.

"Come on, so we can follow." Pete called, heading to the door to grab his keys. Heath looked at Zak, but Zak just shrugged and they left.

At The Hub

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 1) Boyxboy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now