Chapter 12: Reminder

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Grayson and Raelynn were just chilling on the couch on a Sunday afternoon. Grayson laid with his back on the couch, a pillow underneath his head and his beautiful girlfriend with him. Raelynn was resting in between Grayson and the couch, her torso under his strong but at the moment limp, arm. Her hand on his chest, going up and down with it.

Freaks and Geeks playing on the TV from Netflix. There was a knock the door causing the pair to be confused as to who it could be because Maddy just walked in and Ethan was in his room. Raelynn looked at her boyfriend after the second set of knocks sounded throughout the apartment.

They both sat up but Grayson stood to go open the door. Grayson's eyes widened as Raelynn paid it no mind and just sat on the couch until she heard no dialogue being exchanged between the two people. She stood up pulling on the sleeves of Gray's hoodie. She put her hand on his back as she walked beside him. "Who is it, Gray?" She asked looking up at him and then to the blonde female.

She stood with perfect posture which was just as perfect as her. She literally was a Barbie doll come to life in Raelynn's eyes. From her blonde beach waves down to her long toned legs. Her wedges and short shorts making her legs look longer and even more perfect. The blonde towered over Raelynn due to her tiny figure. The blonde stood almost eye to eye with Grayson.

"Hey Grayson." She even spoke how a Barbie looks too.

Grayson just stood confused and scared looking at the girl before him. "I'm sorry but who are you?" Raelynn asked.

"Oh you must be the girlfriend. I'm Belle. I was Grayson's midnight bo-"

"Book club. She was apart of the midnight book club I joined a few weeks ago after everything went down just to help with my sleeping. Belle can I speak to you outside please? Raelynn go wake Ethan up."

Raelynn looked at Grayson confused and slightly hurt. He looked down at her expression and gave her a promising smile, the same promising smile the night of the party. She kissed him before taking one last glance at Belle soon after walking to Ethan's bedroom.

Grayson pushed Belle outside and shut the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" Grayson asked really upset that Belle was here.

"We met up three times and I never heard from you again. What happened?" She asked trying to run her fingers up his chest but he brushed them off.

"If you couldn't tell I kind of have a girlfriend."

"Yeah but you had one that last time too."

"Belle no. We weren't together then but I realized she was the one I needed."

"So you just use me as some kind of rebound that was turned over?"

"No look, just don't come back. I have Raelynn and I want to keep it that way for hopefully ever."

"Whatever Grayson, just know you can't get rid of me. I am everywhere, you also can't pretend you don't know what happened."

She strutted away and Grayson ran his head through his hair. He walked inside and saw Raelynn in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of milk. He stared at her in his 4OU hoodie from tour with all of the tour dates on the back and her shorts.

He walked up behind her and kissed her cheek after putting his warm hands on her torso touching the fabric of his hoodie. She took a sip of her drink and set it down on the counter. "Grayson who was that really? You don't even read books. Plus you're a terrible liar."

"Promise you won't be mad?" She nodded. "After everything happened I slept around and she was one I ended up going back to but I promise you she is out of my life forever. You are the only girl besides my family and Maddy that mean anything to me."

Raelynn put her hands on Grayson's and leaned back into him. "I love you, Grayson."

"And I love you too, gorgeous."

They went back to what they were originally doing until Raelynn's phone started blowing up. She picked it up knowing it was the fans but didn't know what for.

Her face and heart dropped seeing what was posted and being shared all over the internet for people to see. It was the love of her life kissing the human Barbie from earlier. "What's wrong, Rae Bae?" Grayson asked noticing her hurt expression.

He sat up next to her seeing the picture. He took Raelynn's phone and she stood up furiously. "Just sleeping around Gray?" She asked so disappointed in him more than just hearing he had booty calls.

"I swear to god Raelynn nothing more happened. We took this at a party after the first time we hooked up. I promise you nothing more happened."

"Gray everyone is blowing up about this! #grayssidechick is trending number one on Twitter!" She spoke loud.

"Raelynn I promise you I had felt nothing towards her."

"Read the caption Gray because I guarantee you didn't."

'Missin nights with you, love.'

Grayson ran his hand through his hair as Raelynn took the phone out of his hands. "'Love'." Raelynn mocked. "That's what hurts most. You also lied to me about it too. We've been back together for a few days and it's already going to complete crap."

"Raelynn come on are you really taking her story over mine?"

"No but they are, Gray. You need to come clean not only to your fans about what you did during our time apart but to yourself as well. Telling me and yourself that there wasn't nothing there for her isn't always true. You Gray, need to take the night to think about everything." Raelynn went to walk up the stairs but stopped. "Come up to bed when you have your head on straight."

Gray put his head in his large hands as tears started to escape from his brown eyes as a sign of frustration and hurt. He needed to make everything right even if it meant completely burning down a bridge he just made with someone as a sign of peace they decided to sneakily break.

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