Chapter 34: Thanksgiving

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"GRAYSON! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER! YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT BEING LATE FOR FOOD!!!!" Raelynn shouted upstairs to Grayson was buttoning up his shirt.

"I AM COMING!" He yelled back down as he put his blazer on over it. He walked downstairs too Raelynn wearing a strapless yellow skater dress with some yellow fans. Her hair had been straightened and Grayson couldn't help but smile at her. "You look so freaking adorable." He said kissing her cheek as she stuffed her small backpack with her wallet, charger, chap stick, some gum, and even condoms.

"Thank you. You look very handsome. Are you ready?"

"Yes I'm ready."

"Then let's go, I'm starving."

Raelynn hurried out the door with Grayson on her tail. They quickly arrived to Grayson's bronco but it wouldn't start and Raelynn was officially freaking out. "UGH WE ARE ALREADY SO LATE!" Raelynn stressed starting to tear from frustration of being hangry and just being overall frustrated.

"It's okay, baby we'll get there I promise. They would hopefully wait for us. Just call Clara and ask her to have someone come pick us up so we can get there. Everything is going to be okay." Grayson spoke rubbing Raelynn's back slowly to try and calm her.

She as of recent dates has been getting set up very very easily and Grayson is worried sick about her getting mad so easily and over the stupidest of things. Raelynn nodded as she took out her phone and called her aunt while Grayson called a tow-truck to come and get the Bronco.

They waited in the Bronco for a long time before anyone got there. "Raelynn, are you okay? You've seemed triggered a little more easy as of late."

"I'm just really stressed Gray. With the job at TRL and just the idea we would have to move away from my family if I take it and my YouTube channels, oh and the wedding; it's just a lot. I'm also on my period so that doesn't help anything." She said pushing her hair out of her face and wiping the tears from her un-makeup-ed eyes.

"Well just remember if you need anything or anyone to talk to I'm here. I mean, I am your fiancee. That's what I'm here for, Rae. Remember that. Now make sure you have everything you need out of the car so we don't have to worry about anything." Grayson said as the tow-truck came in sight.

Raelynn nodded grabbing her bag and noticed Clara's car right behind it. While Grayson took care of the car, Raelynn got into her aunt's small little Prius and sighed. "Clara?"


"I haven't been feeling too good. I know I'm not pregnant because I have my thingy but something doesn't feel right. Like I'm eating but everything comes back up later on in the night and I just don't feel like doing anything. I even end up in a lot of pain."

"I'm sure everything is fine and you don't have to eat tonight. I wouldn't if you feel that sick."

"But I love food especially on Thanksgiving. I can go through one more night but would you be willing to take me to the doctors tomorrow morning? I have an appointment set up?"

"Why won't Grayson go with you?"

"I haven't old him."

"He's coming with us tomorrow and you can explain on the way. You know how I feel about secrecy but for the night I won't say anything."

Raelynn sat back in the passenger's seat with a sigh before Grayson got into the back seat. "Sorry about the trouble, Clara." Grayson spoke.

"It's really no problem. Everyone was worried about you guys so to know your both okay is all that matters."

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