Chapter 22: Whataya Want From Me

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Grayson walked down the stairs in nothing but his sweats and beat read eyes with a pale face. "What happened last night?" Ethan asked with his arms crossed.

"I screwed up again."

"I'll say. Maddy doesn't want to come over anymore! She doesn't want to even hear your name. Not only did you piss my girlfriend off but you hurt her best friend which makes things a whole lot worse!" Ethan started to raise his voice.

"Like I didn't know that already! Tell me something I don't know, Ethan! I can't stop disappointing her or hurting her. It hurts me."

"You need to fix this now."

"I don't know how."

"Figure it out. I have to go see Maddy over there. Cameron's pissed too. So is mom who wants you to call her by the way." Ethan said before walking out of the apartment.

Grayson grabbed his phone and called his mom who ended up giving him a lecture about how to treat women. After the call with his mom, he tried calling Raelynn. 'Hey you've reached Raelynn. I'm sorry I can't take your call right now but feel free to tell me what you needed to. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Have a wonderful day!' Her voice spoke causing Grayson to tear up.

"Raelynn it's Grayson. Look we need to talk. Last night was not your fault at all. I feel like absolute shit and I literally cannot even apologize enough. Please call me or just come home. I love you."

Raelynn listened to the message before deleting it and wiping her eyes as she sniffled. "Raelynn?" Clara asked before walking into her bedroom.

"Hey Aunt Clara."

"Hey sweetheart. How ya doing?"

"Alright I guess."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Clara sat on her bed next to her. Raelynn laid her head on her shoulder cuddling the teddy bear from her childhood. "He hurt me so bad." She said starting to sob. "It wasn't even the way he was overreacting, it was how he talked to Maddy and the fact he just bluntly told me to shut up."

Clara rubbed her forearm as she cried. "I know hun. It wasn't right of him at all. I also know that it hurts really bad but every relationship has it's fights."

"I get that but this was so bad and he was so hurtful."

"He loves you very much though. I know that for a fact because I never met anyone who has ever loved you as much as we have except him."

Raelynn cried some more and cuddled into her aunt. Frank entered the room and joined the cuddle session until the doorbell rang. Frank went downstairs to see Grayson behind the door. Clara was at the window watching after Frank had stepped outside.


"Listen Frank I-"

"Come back tomorrow okay? She just needs some space right now and is very vulnerable. If you even walk in the house she'll either throw the fire extinguisher at you or tackle you with love. If I'm being honest, the fire extinguisher is most likely the right answer right now."

"Will you just tell her to that I came by? Tell her that I am very sorry and that she can have her space. Tell her I am also going to apologize to Maddy for the way I spoke to her."

"Maddy? What's she got to do with anything."

"It's a long store. I will explain the next time I get a chance. If I do which I really hope I do. Frank I feel like a complete ass."

Grayson was starting to cry but Frank put his hand on his shoulder. "Men don't cry. Do not cry, Grayson."

"I can't help it, Frank. I hurt her so bad."

"I get it but no tears. That's for her to do."


"Yes son."

"Tell her I love her."

"Will do son." Frank shook Grayson's hand before Grayson got back into his Jeep and drove off with tears spewing from his eyes.

Clara sat back down as Frank came back upstairs and Raelynn wiped her eyes of new tears. "What did he say?" Clara asked.

"He said he's really sorry and that he's going to apologize to Maddy right now. He says he even loves you. A very strong word that he really means." Frank sat at the end of the bed. "I told him you needed your space though and he agreed."

Raelynn nodded before Clara and Frank left to go downstairs.

Grayson parked the vehicle in the garage and got out, walking up to her apartment. Grayson knocked and Maddy answered the door. "ETH-"

"Listen I'm here for you. I need to apologize."

"Hell yeah you do but not only to me but-"

"I was just there. Frank said to give her some space."

"Well, I don't want to hear your apology."

"You're going to anyway, Mads."

"NO!" She went to slam the door but he pushed it open.

She crossed her arms and huffed as she began walking through the apartment with Gray following her around. "Maddy I am so sorry. I shouldn't have lashed at you and I should have respected you because I was keeping you awake. It was totally wrong of me to do that to you. I also apologize for treating you so so so very bad. I didn't mean anything I said. I love you Mads. You're like a little sister to me and I know you love me too." He wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders and trapped her.

"ETHAN GET THIS DUMBASS OFF OF ME!" Maddy yelled when her boyfriend walked into the room to see what was happening.

"Is he apologizing?"

"Trying to."

"Then nope. Have fun, Grayson!" Ethan went back to Maddy's bedroom.


"DON'T CARE! IT'S YOU THAT'LL SUFFER!" Ethan yelled back.

Grayson looked disgusted and let her go. "Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I do, numb-nuts. You're like my brother."

"Wanna help me get Raelynn unmad at me?"

"Oh hello no. That's your issue dude. You can do this on your own and you need to do this one your own. There isn't always going to be someone there to help you when you mess things up over and over again. You need to get your girl on your own. Be the guy she first fell in love with."

Grayson left that apartment to go back to his own and called Raelynn one more time, leaving her another message. "Listen Rae Bae, don't give up on us yet because I'm not. I'm working it out and I know we can work it out because we're strong and you're stronger than me. Trust me when I say that you are the only girl, woman, HUMAN I will ever love. I will do everything I can to make sure you know that. Goodnight baby. Sleep tight, I love you."

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