Chapter 9: Somebody Else

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"Come on just talk this out with me!" He yelled up to Raelynn who stormed upstairs. He took his jacket off before walking up the stairs after his really pissed girlfriend.

He opened the door and saw her sobbing. "Get out Grayson!"

"It's my apartment."

"How could you do this to me?"

"Listen to me it didn't mean anything."

"Bull! Why did you do that?! I'm the only girl you should smooching not some blonde sl-"

"Hey watch it!"

"Oh so you're defending her now? Grayson is she on the side or has it been me?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you think I'm talking about? You kissed another girl in front of me even before you kissed me!"

"Just listen to-"

"STOP SAYING THAT AND JUST SPEAK!" She yelled causing him to sigh.

"It was just a dare it meant nothing."

"It meant nothing? Then why did you keep it going? Actually why did you do it in the first place? It's a stupid game it wouldn't have killed ya if you didn't kiss her."

"See it's just a game."

"Okay but it's not a game where you can just go around kissing random girls at parties when you have a girlfriend who would literally just so you could live and be happy. I literally cannot even believe you think that it okay."

"You are so dramatic."

She dropped her jaw at her vein boyfriend. "What would you have done if I kissed Aaron huh? Or Ethan for a dare?"

"I wouldn't be happy about it."

"Do you see where I'm coming from or is your ego still in the way?"

"Oh come on we aren't thirteen, Raelynn."

"You going around and kissing some girl while playing truth or dare is something thirteen year old kids play, Grayson. This isn't come make up with a kiss scenario though like it would be if we were thirteen. You can't just do that. I am your girlfriend and I am the only person who gets to kiss you. For some that doesn't apply to you though. I never in a million years would have thought that Grayson Bailey Dolan, the love of my life, would completely throw everything we ever had together away. Did you even think of how much this would hurt me or was your ego in the way then too?"

"Did you ever stop to think maybe I wasn't happy here?"

She was now sobbing tears of sadness, hurt, and anger. "You're not happy? You're not happy? I do everything for you! I everything to make you happy! Have I been wasting my love, time, and money on someone who didn't even care? Grayson there is no way we can ever be the same after tonight."

"I wasn't happy anyway."

"How were you not happy? We are always smiling and laughing together?"

"I am pretty good at acting."

"Now is not the time for stupid jokes and smart ass comments. Grayson, I am going to leave."

"Good. Go ahead. Doors right there. You're just a dramatic little girl too scared to do anything with her life because she wants everything to be fine and dandy."

"The only thing I want right now is for the love of my life to stop being such a jerk."

"Well Rae that isn't gonna happy because you've put me in such a bad mood."

"I put you in a bad mood? I didn't make out with someone in front you, completely breaking your heart like you did to me. What hurts most Grayson is that you condone what you did and you don't even care how much it hurts me. Three freaking years of my life was wasted putting my all into someone who doesn't anything from me. I thought I didn't deserve you but it's you that doesn't deserve me. You're an egotistical asshat who literally cares about no ones feelings but your own. I am done Grayson. You have ten seconds to tell me it was wrong and that you truly feel bad before I walk out forever."

He stood staring at her. "1."

"2." Still nothing. "3."

"Do ya need help counting?"

She was stunned as the sweetest guy in the world had turned out to be her worst nightmare. "I hate you Grayson Dolan and you will never be anything to me again. You are an ungrateful and disgusting human being. I hate you so much and wish I never fell in love you."

She stormed past him crying as he stood just staring at where she once stood before going to sit at the end of his bed.

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