Chapter 10: I Depend On You

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"Grayson?" Tyler questioned when he picked up his phone.

"Tyler I need your help with something."

"What is it?"

"I need you to wrap something and send it to Raelynn so she thinks it's from you."

"Why? I am so confused right now."

"Just trust me okay. I am going to send you an envelope and I need you to wrap it or something the way she know you would."

"Okay yeah, sure."

"Tyler you literally are the best."

"Thanks Grayson. I think."

Grayson hung up the phone and replied to Abel's DM explaining everything he asked before getting the okay from him to do it. The front door opened to reveal Cameron. "Cameron!" He yelled.


"I need you to help me with something."

"Should I be scared?"

"No. I am planning on getting Raelynn back."

"All I can do is wish you luck with that."

"Uh uh you are doing this for me."

"Who the hell says?"

"Me. Please Cameron I will leave you alone forever."

"No you won't."

"Just please help me out."

She sighed at her love-struck brother. "What do I need to do and when?"

He explained to her everything, she agreed because she knew how miserable Raelynn was and knew how miserable Grayson was going to be. "Aaron agreed to being the delivery guy?"

"Not really. I kinda just gave him the uniform and had Tyler send it to him to make him have to do it."

"And Kyle?"

"Would do anything for me."

"If you're so sure."

Grayson was sure all of this was going to work but was worried that it wasn't at the same time. I mean he completely broke Raelynn's heart and trust in one day. He looked at himself in the mirror before driving himself to the arena.

"Dude you don't understand how happy it makes me that you're helping me out with this." Grayson said once he saw the love of his life's favorite musical artist.

"Dude anything for a big fan. So what happened anyway?"

Grayson rubbed the back of his neck. "I kissed another girl in front of her and never showed any sympathy for what I did."

"Damn man, that's rough. Now what's your guys song again?"

"Die For You."

"Alright. You got it man. I hope everything works out and it it doesn't, I may or may not laugh."

Grayson laughed at Abel's funny side before he had to go out and perform so Gray's sister with Raelynn. He watched from the side at how happy she was. He was watching the way she hugged Cameron and cheered.

He couldn't help my smile that in some way, he was the cause of that smile. Grayson hung out backstage until the show started and then he made his way to the side. He watched as she sang and danced to every song. Never once taking her eyes off the stage or her hand from Cameron's.

She was brought on stage and Grayson stood frozen. He was staring at the gorgeous girl being sang to. Their song playing for her. Grayson finally got the courage to walk out, when she turned around Grayson was stuck. His entire body getting chills from just seeing her again in a better state.


She stared down at the man on his knees before her, holding an engagement ring only she could dream of. The fans were quiet and so was she which was worrying the hell out of Grayson.

Grayson was worried this was all for nothing. That this entire set up wasn't what was needed to get the love of his life back. He stared hopefully into her crying blue eyes with his own crying brown ones. He noticed the small smile beginning to grow on her face behind the flowers.

Grayson was sweating really bad and his legs were getting tired in his position. Raelynn smelled the flowers one more time before turning to Abel and taking his mic. She brought it to her lips slowly, the anticipation of a life changing questioning killing the people in the audience but not as fast as it's killing Grayson.

She opened her mouth to speak but only air came out with sobs. Grayson didn't know whether that was good or bad. She buried her face in her hand holding the mic, makeup running down it. She nodded her head slowly causing Grayson to jump up in the air of joy.

He looked over at his sister who was smiling wide holding his camera before he turned his head to see the most beautiful girl in the world. "I'm sorry but, what does that nod mean?" He asked.

She used the mic she borrowed from Abel to answer "yes" causing her to pass the mic back. Grayson engulfed her in a tight hug and he spun her around. The pair crying together, realizing everything could finally be okay in their lives. He put her down, putting his hand on her makeup stained cheeks. "God I love you so much, Raelynn."

"I never stopped loving you, Grayson."

He finally got to do something he had been waiting to do forever. He kissed the love of his lifes perfect lips as their sign of officially getting back together. He pulled away as Abel began singing their song again, they went down to Cameron and finished the concert together.

She couldn't stop playing with the ring that now wrapped around her ring finger. After the concert, since Grayson had taken an uber; he rode back to his own apartment with his lovely girlfriend. "Grayson?"

"Yes darling?"

"Do you understand how much this meant to me?"

"I can definitely try to imagine it."

"I mean, after everything you literally went back to what I said almost two years ago when we hit a rough patch. Grayson that is the sweetest thing and you proposed to me. Showing you want me for the rest of your life. Grayson you literally are the most amazing human being on earth and I wouldn't trade you for the world." Raelynn spoke as she drove into the lot.

He wiped his eyes and took her hand when he parked. "I want you to know how much you mean to me. Doing everything you asked me to do plus more is to show you how dedicated I am to you, how in love with you I am, and how sorry I am that I hurt you."

Raelynn looked at her boyfriend, tears resurfacing. "Grayson?"


"Can we go home now?"

He nodded as they walked out of the car and into the apartment where everyone was standing. "Well, I take it she said yes." Ethan said raising his water bottle with Maddy.

Grayson wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder like he used to do all those days before. He looked down at his girlfriend and smiled seeing her back in his arms.

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