Chapter 13

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By the time the jet touches down, my hands have cramped up from clutching the nearest thing strapped down during the ride. Just because Zeus answered my prayers to not zap us out of the sky, doesn't mean he spared up from what I think was an unusual amount of turbulence. "Hey, are you okay?" Will asks concerned.

"I hate flying," I growl. Will laughs like I made a joke, then excuses himself to go grab something he left on the death trap. 

While he's doing that, I take the chance to try and force my breathing back to normal and observe the scattered Avengers and company. Clint and Banner are farthest away, discussing something that involves Natasha and rescue. Their conversation ends when Banner breaks off and heads into the nearby woods. Huh, I assumed that Clint would go to get Natasha since it appeared that they've known each other the longest. Closer to the jet are Wanda and who Will said is her brother Pietro. off to the side are Thor, Stark, and Rogers, who has thankfully not directly tried to interrogate me about what happened on the train yet, and now that he's done talking to Banner, Barton. 

The only one missing is, "Hello Nico, " Vision. Speak, or think, of the devil and he shall appear. I know that I shouldn't judge someone before I really know them, but Vision makes a shiver run down my spine just like Ultron's robot minions. "May I speak with you?" 

"You already are, so...I guess," I tell him as a response. He stares right at me, as if trying to figure out how much of that was sarcasm.

"I noticed that you show distain towards me," Vision finally get to the point. 

"How could I do that, I only met you a few hours ago," I deny it. Where is Will at? He could be very helpful right now.

"Yet, somehow you already don't trust me."

"Pshh, what? No..." I don't think he buys it. "Look, it's just a little hard to trust someone who doesn't have a soul." Vision's eyes widen at my blatant response, but honestly, I'm as surprised that actually come out of my mouth as him. It doesn't take long for him to regain his composure.

"Soul," he ponders the word for a second. "If I understand correctly, the soul is what humans credit to one's good morals and personality. In that sense, I believe that I too must have one." At this time I notice Will and a way out of this awkward conversation.

"Believe what you want, but believing doesn't mean that it's true." I wave to Will, "If'll excuse me." and leave Vision to think about what I've said. 

"Sorry, was everyone waiting on me?" Will asks. I notice that he now has his medical bag in hand, something that is probably going to be needed soon. 

"Probably not, but now that you're ready we should leave; I'm tired of doing nothing," I suggest.

The plan is to land here and then walk the rest of the way to a city that plays a major part in Ultron's plan and maintain some element of surprise. I probably should have listened to more of the briefing, but I thought it would be more action and less standing around.

"We're leaving, follow if you want!" I yell loud enough for the scattered groups to hear. 

Captain America looks up from talking with Ironman, who yell back, "Calm down kid; we're going now." 

Kid? Add that to the list of reasons I can't wait for this quest to end. I roll my eyes and stalk past everyone in what I decide is the direction of the city. Will hesitates before coming with me. No one corrects our course, so I assume we're going the right way. 

It isn't until an accented, feminine voice speaks up behind me, that I realize the others have come along too. "You hurt Vision's feeling," they state.

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