Chapter 14.5

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A/N: Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. If anyone has any suggestions on what I should write after I'm done with this story please let me know so that I can take those into consideration. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I'm not Marvel and I'm not Rick Riordan.

I walk out of the shadows laughing. This of course confuses the mob of foes that I teleport in the middle of. It doesn't take long for them to cast off their shock and realize that I'm not there to make friends. My two daggers glint in the light as I cut through metal and flesh alike. It's a relatively small squadron and it doesn't take long until I've killed most of the ones that didn't run off. Then I notice the manticore.

He's ready to shoot a thorn from his leathery tail at a cowering couple. While he's distracted, I rush towards him and slash at his back. My cut is to shallow to draw blood, but it gets the monster's attention which is what I was hoping for.  I back away, hoping to draw his attention away. The civilians take the chance to run away, though the manticore doesn't show if he notices.

"Son of Hades," The monster that destroyed my life sneers.

"Dr. Thorn," I address with a mocking respect.

"I was there the night you found out what you were," he recalls as he circles me. "I was the first monster you saw, and now," Thorn cackles, "now I'll be your last." He fires a projectile from his tail, making me jump out of the way or risk getting impaled.

"Haven't learned any new tricks I see." before he can respond, I run at him, trying to break through his defenses and deal damage. I get close enough that he has to steps away from my attacks with an unwarranted smirk. When I aim for his chest he turn away, swinging his massive tail around. It smacks me in the chest. I'm lifted off the ground and suspend in air for a moment until I crash in the shadow of building. Di Immortals, that hurts!

My ribs burn. Something is probably broken. I'm dealing with the pain of my latest injury while the manticore takes his time stalking closer.  His enjoyment at seeing me in misery couldn't be any clearer. That look alone encourages me to grind him to dust. The adrenaline coursing through my veins ease some of the agony, hopefully that will be all I need to take Thorn down.

I reach for one of my daggers that landed near me and wait for him to eventually get within striking distance. When he does, I gather up my strength and stab my blade in his leg. Thorn roars as he fuels his anger into using his other foot to deliver a swift kick to my side. It's like drinking from the River Phlegethon all over again. Thorn rips the weapon out of his leg, unblocking the flow of oozing black blood.

"I've had enough of you demigod brat," he growls. His fires a thorn at me. I roll out of the way in time. Despite a stabbing pain, I'm saved from getting any more beaten up. "You're still that annoying little ten year old that needs someone else to save you." he shoots another thorn on the other side of me, making it hard to get away without standing up. His way of toying with his prey, me."What makes you think you can save this wretched planet when you can't even protect yourself?" Thorn sneers.

I push past the terrible ache in my chest, and wobbly make it to my feet. Using the brick wall of the nearby building, I can pretend that my legs aren't straining to keep me up right. Thorn is there too. He shoves me into the exterior and holds me there with a hand firmly pressed against my neck. "You're so pitiful that even your sister, Bianca, died to get away from her pathetic excuse  of a little brother," he taunts.  I suck in what little air I can get with the thinning oxygen and the manticore's hand clamped down on my throat.

He's still laughing at my apparent weakness and does't notice the murderous glare I send his way. I may have lost my daggers and probably can't unsheathe my sword, but he seems to have forgotten  I have one last trick up my sleeve. My anger creates a path that makes it easier than before to reach out to the shadows that Thorn was kind enough to throw me into. I manifest  my hate for this particular monster into a spike of darkness. It shoots out from the ground and embeds itself in the arm that holds me to the wall. He releases me instantly. "Don't you dare blemish her name by speaking or even thinking it ever again." I don't recognize my voice. I permit the shadows to disperse back to their normal form including the ones sticking out of Thorn's arm. Another spout of sickly blood drip, drip ,drips onto the concrete.

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