Trick Or Cheat? Chapter 3

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Trick Or Cheat?

Chapter 3

Copyright © 2010 Alyson Wang

We made it to school just in time, Amy and I walked side by side down the halls and waved goodbye as I reached my locker. I spun the dial a few times before the lock opened, hooked my backpack and took my math books out. I closed my locker and started walking to class, I took my seat in the back of the class ignoring the glares sent from the one and only Hayley. No, this Hayley is not your average innocent, nerdy Hayley. This is Hayley, Hayley as in the queen of the school. Yes I just said 'queen', no I'm not drunk, or crazy. She rules the school and everybody knows that. Seeing as her gold blonde hair flowed beside me, I wanted to gag but kept it to myself. "Hey, look it's the looossseeerrrr," she dragged the word. God, I wanted to punch her so bad. Everybody laughed in a loud and clear way that nobody liked me, nobody will ever like me.

The teacher made his way into the class, saying "Quiet down everyone." But the joke was not over, it will never be over.

I kept quiet for the rest of the day, praying for the last bell to ring, and sighed in relief when it did. I packed my stuff and walked to the parking lot. After standing there for about 5 minutes I gave up for waiting and just started walking when I was suddenly stopped by the voice I loathed to hear. "Loser," Hayley called. I kept walking, "Are you deaf? I said, Loser, stop right now." she said. I finally, completely stopped and spun around, as my heart beat quickened. I was faced with Hayley and other benches from her group, each holding two eggs while Hayley held a basket of them looking like the Easter bunny. "Now," she said glaring at me. They threw the eggs, never missing the target, which in other words, was me. Hayley took a picture with her phone, chuckled and sneered walking away saying "I bet everybody will love this picture, bye loser," she yelled. I pushed my hair out of my eyes, I was covered in egg naught. Their foot steps faded, that was when the tears streamed out, I looked up at the sky and blinked hoping the tears will stop. I started walking again, and was near home when a car drove past me so fast and close to me the water on the rode splashed right at me. Seriously?

The driver drove the car back, the car was one of those rich snobs car, god this was the last thing I needed. He stopped right there, as if he didn't see the 'No parking' sign, but he did, and didn't care. He got out, about my age looking like a model, now I was completely embarrassed. Could my day get any better?

"I am so sorry," he apologized, flipping his blonde hair back. What's with people and blonde hair these days? Where are all the brunettes?

"S'okay," I said and started walking again, thinking he wouldn't really care and would just drive off, but no he didn't do that. He actually grabbed my wrist, making me stop, filling my body with hot tingles, "I'm very sorry, I didn't really know there was a combo in their, with the eggs and water," he apologized again. The eggs? Did he really need to remind me of that?

"There were no eggs near the rode, its fine. Goodbye," I said pulling away. Suddenly he did this chuckle thing that made my body tingle in heat. "Was it those girls back there? I saw them holding a basket of eggs," he asked. Okay, is he like trying to be annoying? Or is it just him?

"Yeah, sure, whatever," I said walking away. But I didn't hear his foot steps, all I got was the feel of his eyes on my back. I didn't get far until he stopped me again.

"Hey, uh can you help me? I'm looking for somebody," he called. I sighed, maybe if I helped him, he would let me go home and take that hot shower I'm thinking about. I spun around, "What?"

"My mom told me to look for a girl that lives around this area, but I lost the address, it kinda flew out of my hand while driving," he said, rubbing his neck with his tanned arm.

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