Trick Or Cheat? Chapter 5

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Trick Or Cheat?

Chapter 5

Copyright © 2010 Alyson Wang

Adam and I walked upstairs leaving Aunt Jodie and Rob to clean the dishes. We sat on the ground and turned the T.V. on. I stared blankly at the screen, having no idea what to do. "I'm bored!"

Adam turned around to face me. I looked back at him, demanding him to entertain me with my eyes. He wiggled his fingers between us. I gave him an odd look, then pulling myself off the ground quickly, I registered what he meant. He caught me and tickled. I screamed, laughed and squirmed. But he didn't stop. He was having fun. My arms flew in the air and tried to push him away, "Ow!" he let go. I had hit him in the eye, by accident. My hands flew to my mouth, "Oh my god! I'm sorry! Really! It was an accident! I swear I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" I hovered around him having no idea what to do. He walked around the room while covering his eye with his hand.

"Calm down Gracie," he whispered, and grabbed me by the waist. Is he going to hit me in the eye for payback? Gulp. I closed my eyes, ready for the pain. But all that came were his warm gentle fingers under my chin. Gulp. Maybe he was going to squeeze my chin till there was a bruise? "Gracie," he whispered. I opened my eyes, looking deep into his, ocean blue. He leaned in. Oh my god. Maybe he was just acting like he was going to kiss me and then actually pushing me away, for embarrassment. But that thought slipped right out of my mind just like it slipped in. I was too caught up in the moment. Suddenly he stopped; I knew it was too good to be true. But the way he looked at me, I knew I was wrong. He was giving me a choice. I stared back, hoping my eyes could tell him to continue. My teenage hormones took over and well, I leaned in. I closed my eyes once more, and waited. Our hearts pounded against our chests, wondering if this was a dream. But no, it was not. I felt his hot breath against my nose. Fastening the moment, he pulled me in. My hands cupped his face as he did the same. His lips were warm and smelt like our dinner. He smiled against my lips as he pulled away. But I pulled him back. Our lips met once more.

"Gracie? Are you alright? Was that you who screamed?" My face went hot as I realized what I had just done. I pushed him away. The room was suddenly very, very hot. Aunt Jodie poked her head in the room, her eyes flying between Adam and I, wondering why our faces were red.

"Yeah, that was me. Sorry."

"Adam should get going, it's getting dark."

We both nodded and shuffled out of the room. My hands were sticky with sweat. I walked Adam out of the house. "I, uh," we both fumbled. Well, this is awkward. I dug my hands deep into my pockets and sighed. "Well, this is awkward," I said out loud. He sighed, "I like you."

"I like you too, silly!"

"No, I like, like you!"

"I know, I was just, you know. Pushing away?" I looked at him.

"You don't feel the same way?"

"I-I don't know."

He didn't reply. I looked at my shoes wondering where we would go from here. I waited for his reply, but it didn't come. I looked up. He was staring at me; his eyes squinted as if he was answering a very hard question.

He sighed, "I better get going, see you tomorrow?"

I nodded; he walked to his car while I stood there and watched. "Wait!" I called and ran towards him. He waited. I waited, for myself; to pull it together and say the words. I stared up at him and he stared back. "I-I'm sorry."

He waited for more. Seconds past and those were torturing seconds. He sighed again; nodded and turned for his car. I stood there and stared. Before I knew it, he was driving away.

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