Chapter 1

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He didn't want to do this. No, not at all. This was the worst idea he had in a long time.

They haven't seen Lance in 6 days now. Not like Keith was counting the days or anything, really, but after all Lance was his teammate. Keith checked if the Blue Lion was missing and as it wasn't Lance must've been somewhere in the Castle.

The sad truth was that nobody cared. They didn't do that on purpose though. Everyone had other, bigger problems, and let's face it, Lance was no longer important. Allura had the Blue Lion now and Shiro had the Black. Keith got Red back too as well. So they just haven't noticed the fact that nobody saw Lance lately.

Keith had to admit that the Castle became much more... quiet and empty without him. It was almost depressing.

Don't get it wrong! He HATED Lance!! He was annoying, loud and the way he flirted with every damn girl... it just made Keith so angry. He wasn't sure why but whenever he saw the other boy looking at Allura, winking at her, asking her out, Keith wanted to punch the wall. Really hard. Ten times. Or more. He felt his blood boiling and he had the urge to leave the room immediately. He couldn't believe that he actually asked Pidge about his feelings. It felt wrong, but Pidge's answer was satisfying... she told Keith that he probably hates Lance... altough it was noticeable that she was trying hard not to laugh her ass off.

Yet here he stood, in front of Lance's room's door. It's been nearly half an hour since he tried to knock, but he couldn't. He hoped Lance would be there. He was doing this for the team, right?And with this thought he finally knocked.

Okay, so nobody answered. No going back, he knocked again, harder.

"Lance! Are... are you in there? Can I come in? P-please?"

No answer.

"I got it. You either don't want to see me or you aren't in there. Bye."

He just hoped he didn't came off harsh. He wasn't here for the drama. He started to walk away when the door was opened.

"What do you want?" A not-very-lance-looking Lance asked while he stepped out. "If you are here to make fun of me you can fuck off. I really don't need your bullshit right now."

"No. We need to... we have to talk." Said Keith without missing a beat.

"I really... I don't think it's a good idea okay? Just-" The boy sighed. "Why can't you be like the others? Just... ignore me."

First of all this couldn't be Lance. The always happy, joking Lance. The confident, perfect Lance. Keith was pretty sure he had never seen the paladin like this ever before. Hell, he looked like he haven't slept in years, big bags under his eyes, his brown hair messy and he was wearing his pajamas.


"Wh- what?"

"You weren't listening, were you, Mullet? I said come in." He fake smiled.

When Keith stepped in, his first thought was that not only Lance was a mess but his room was too. His clothes covered the floor, his things were everywhere... Keith chose to sit on the bed.

'Now, what do you need?" Asked Lance while sitting down, next to the other boy.

"What do I need?? Are you serious? Have you... do you see yourself?? Lance we haven't seen you in 6 days, you literally disappeared you barely look like a living human!" He said, and he sounded rather nervous and sad than angry.

"Since when do you need a 6th paladin?" His eyes were filled with tears, Keith could see.

Don't cry, please do not start crying. Keith wasn't good with feelings and emotions. And of course with other people. He couldn't deal with a crying Lance. He was sure that the move would be awkward as fuck but Lance was on the edge of tears...

"Did you just patted me on the back?"

"Uhh I... yes?" Shrugged Keith while looking at the ground, trying to calm down so he wouldn't run out of the room.

"Right. So that's what you wanna talk about. Since when do you care about me Keith?"

"I know we aren't friends. And I... I know I mock you a lot, but hey, you do that too. Without you the team will fall apart!"

"I am no longer part of the team, and you perfectly know it! Let's just... just don't pretend that nothing changed. If I had the chance to go back to Earth, I would. I don't belong here. Hunk and Pidge became best friends, Allura and Coran are... they clearly don't need me. And you and Shiro? You are like brothers. I'm only the 7th wheel."

Keith was shocked and speechless. He knew Lance as the egoistic jerk. He couldn't be this wrong. The other boy looked so broken, so fragile.

"Do not say this ever again. I don't wanna hear this shit. Lance, you can't be serious... you... that's why you haven't showed up lately, right?" Come on, you can't be this bad with humans. At least fucking try being nice to him. "You know it's not true. I-" He wanted to say 'I need you' so bad, it hurt his chest. "We need you. We all need you. It's just that we are in the middle of a war and... they are busy. I mean, I am too pretty busy but-"

"Things must be fucked up as hell, if you are the only one that came to... visit me."

Salty fucker.

"You know what, I can leave if you want. I can go and leave you alone. But I've been gathering strength to knock for half an hour, because I was too afraid that you might just kick me out. I don't want to leave without knowing if you are okay. No, I... I came here to make a difference, to help you. Even if-" He took a deep breath. He wasn't sure how to continue without sounding too cheesy.

"Even if...?"

"Even if we are rivals, even if you think I hate you... whatever." Keith looked at the other boy, straight in the eye.

Lance didn't say anything, he hoped he didn't say anything bad or didn't make him uncomfortable.

"Lance... buddy, my man..." And then Keith said the thing he never thought he would ever say.
"We are a team... I say 'Vol-' and you say-"


I'm not saying you are fools for reading this but.... you are fools for reading this lol.

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