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There's a loud bang followed by a high pitched screech that came from across the hall. Jimin rolls off of his very comfortable bed, all the loud banging peaking his interest. He exits his room to come face to face with a very angry Taehyung.

Taehyung immediately drops his angry expressions and replaces it with his usual box smile and yells, "Mochi"

Jimin eyes him for a moment before asking, "Whats going on Tae?"

"Nothing to worry your cute Mochi self with" Tae say as he pinches Jimins checks. Jimin quickly swats them away while muttering under his breath "Stop calling me that."

Taehyung swings his arm around Jimins shoulders and gives him a quick peck on the cheek after whispering 'never' in Jimins ear and running off. Jimin is left in the hallway laughing with himself and shaking his head when he hears a knock at the door.

"EOMMA! EOMMA! EOMMA!" Taehyung is screaming once again as he swings the door open and attacks the person standing behind it.

"Ugh, get off me you alien" Jin groans as Taehyung throw all his weight on him. Taehyung pulls back and notices Hoseok standing behind Jin.

"Hobi" "Taebear" They yell at the same time and jump on each with equal amount of excitement. Jungkook stands not too far off observing them like a hawk. Jin just rolls his eyes at the situation and enters the apartment heading toward the kitchen. Jimin decides to follow Jin having witnessed enough of the screaming and excitement.

"Whatcha got there?" Jimin ask as he enters the kitchen and notices Jin placing two bags on the counter.

"Minnie!" Jin exclaims having just noticed Jimins presences, "its dinner for tonight." Jimin nods as he steps closer to the bag trying to take a peck inside but Jin slaps his hand away before he can get a good look. "No. Its a surprise." Jimin puts his hands up and wears an innocent look on his face as he backs away from the bags and Jin.

"I was just going to offer some help"

"Thats sweet but i got this covered," Jin responds to Jimins offer, "why don't you go join the others in the living room. I'll let you know if I need help."

Taehyung and Hoseok are siting on opposite ends of the coach facing each other and talking. Jimin takes a seat next to Jungkook on the love seat and joins in on the conversation.

"So wheres Namjoon and he who must not be named?" Taehyung questions Hoseok.

"Hes not Voldemort, Tae. You can say his name." Hoseok says with a small laugh.

"Could of had me convinced" Taehyung mumbles.

"who?" Jimin asking completely lost on who they are talking about.

"One of Hoseoks roommates. The one TaeTae meet once and is convinced hates him." Jungkook fills Jimin in.

"HE DOES HATE ME" Taehyung yells causing all three boys the laugh as he glares at them.

"He doesn't hate you. Him and Namjoon are on their way, they should be here soon." Hoseok says answering Taehyungs question from earlier.

"Good," Jin says as he pokes his head out form the kitchen, "because dinner is almost ready" As Jin goes back to work in the kitchen there is a light knock at the door.

"Ah! that must be them now." Hoseok say as he start to stand up from the couch. Taehyung quickly jumps over the couch in order to bet Hoseok to the door.

"I'll get it" Hoseok simply shakes his head, a light smile forming across his face as he follows Taehyung to greet his roommates and slightly to protect them from whatever Taehyung has planned.

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