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Jimin woke up the next morning, taking a moment as the memorizes of last night came flooding back to him. Trying to differentiate those of which were a part of his dream and those of which are a part of reality. He remembers talking with Yoongi and him giving up his room and bed for him. The corner of his lip attempts to tug up as he fights off a smile for no reason. He remembers checking his phone before bed and he remembers Taehyung's post...

Whatever warm feeling Jimin was feeling moments ago, completely washes away as a cold chill of dread takes it's place. Jimin emits a loud groan as he pulls Yoongi's blanket over his face to muffle his scream as he mentally curses Taehyung.

Jimin stays in this position for a few minutes before sitting up and letting the blanket fall from his face to reveal Yoongi standing in front of the foot of the bed, arms crossed and holding a blank expression.

Jimin jumps slightly and his breath hitches not expecting to have to face Yoongi quite yet. Letting out a nervous laugh, Jimin rubs the back of his neck, "Yoongs" Yoongi lifts an eyebrow at the nickname, "whatcha, uh doing?"

"Contemplating the best place to hide your dead body." Yoongi states, voice devoid of any kind of emotion. Jimin swings his legs out from under the covers to sits at the edge of the bed and let's out another nervous laugh. When Yoongi expression still hasn't faltered, his laugh turns more into a cough as he trys to clear his throat that suddenly feels tight.

Yoongi is slowly making his way around his bed, eyes never leaving Jimins, as he stands directly over him. "I'm sorry" Jimin let's out just bearly above a whisper and hang his head slightly ashamed.

Yoongi slowly squats down and hooks a finger under Jimins chin so that they are making eye contact again. Jimin feels small under Yoongi's strong gaze, "Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry that I told Taehyung about your secret undying love for Kumamon." Jimin clarifies smiling softly at the statement.

Yoongi holds a single finger up and gives Jimin a pointed look, "Okay. I never said I was in love with Kumamon." Jimins eyes shift around the room looking at the multiple Kumamon items Yoongi has before looking at Yoongi again and folding his lips in, deciding it was smarter to not respond. "I'm willing to forgive you on one condition."

"And what's that?" Jimin asks, scared of what Yoongi might have in mind.

"You need to dress up as Kumamon and take a picture with me. That way Taefuck has nothing on me."

Jimin let's a few laughs escape from his lips, "Okay Hyung." Jimin stops laughing but the smile never leaves his face. Causing Yoongi to have a smile of his own.

"Good." Yoongi stands up and Jimin follows after him, "I made breakfast." Jimin nods and collects his clothes form yesterday to change into but a hand on his shoulder causes him to stop.

"You're not going to wear the same clothes as yesterday are you?" Yoongi asks with a look of disgust.

"Well I can't exactly wear nothing and these are the only clothes I have." Jimin says defensively.

Yoongi pulls out some his clothes from his closet and hands then to Jimin, "You can borrow these. Jimin takes the clothes and Yoongi leaves so Jimin can have some privacy to change. Once fully dressed in Yoongi's clothes Jimin makes his way towards the kitchen as there was promise of food.

Jimin finds Yoongi sitting at the dinning table that seats four, with two bowls of cereal. Jimin looks at Yoongi questioningly. "You call this making breakfast?" Jimin asks as he sits across from Yoongi and is handed a bowl.

"Yes. I poured the cereal. I poured the milk. Be greatful I even did that." Yoongi says with a mouth full of cereal.

With a shake of his head, Jimin utter a quiet thank you and they eat their breakfast in silence. Neither of them finding it awkward but rather comfortable. When they both finished eating Yoongi grabs the bowls and cleans them out in the sink.

Yoongi grabs his keys and opens the door for Jimin, "Ready?"


Yoongi pulls into the school parking lot and pulls his key out of the ignition. Jimin goes to open the door but Yoongi grabs his wrist to stop him, "When will you get back to your apartment?"

"Uh, usually around 4:30. Why?"

"Okay I'll be there to pick you up around 4:30." Yoongi say and let's go of Jimins wrist signaling he can get out of the car now but Jimin makes no move to do so.

"What for?" Jimin asks.

"Its day two. I'm taking you out on a date." Yoongi doesn't ask but rather informs the younger.

"Okay." Jimin says without hesitation which surprises both of them. Jimin decides it's time for him to make a quick exit but before shutting the car door he thanks Yoongi for the ride then runs off to class. While in a rush to get away from Yoongi and to class, Jimin runs into someone as hard as a brick and falls to the ground.



"Where's the fire?" Jungkook asks as he extends an arm to help Jimin up.

"No fire. Just running a little late for class." Jimin half lies, starting towards his class once again, Jungkook following beside him.

"Had a little to much fun last night then?" Jungkook tease wiggling his eyebrows in a suggesting manner.

"No! Of course not." Jimin yells as he shoves Jungkooks chest causing him to stumble back a bit. Quickly composing himself, Jungkook catches up with Jimin once more.

"That's not what your clothes suggest, hyung" Jimin rolls his eyes in response and Jungkook laughs lightly under his breath. "Anyways I am meeting with a study group tonight, so I won't be back at the apartment until after six. Tae already knows."

Jimin nods, "I'll be out anyways."

"What got a date with Yoongi hyung or something?" Jungkook asks attempting to tease Jimin so more. However when Jimin answers with a simple "Yup" Jungkook stops following Jimin as a look of shock takes over his features. Jimin walks into his class room with a satisfied smile.


It's 4:17 when Jimin reaches the front door of his apartment and pulls his backpack to the front of his chest to search for his key. His last class ended early and he arrived back at the apartment a bit soon than he normally does.

When Jimin opens the door he unfortunately sees a scenes he's been victim to too many times. He sees shoes scattered about the entry way of the apartment. The deeper he ventures into the apartment the more discarded article of clothing he finds.

Looks like Jungkook decided to skip his study group.

Jimin decides to pick up the mess his two roommates left behind. It's only when Jimin gets closer to the living room that he starts to hear unholy sounds. Assuming since he hasn't found a pair of underwear, its safe to enter. Shelding his eyes with his arm he enters the living room, "Seriously guys? I thought we agree, not in common places!" Jimin jokingly yells at them.

Confused once no one spoke for a moment Jimin let his arm drop down to see a shirtless Taehyung with a look mixed of shock and fear. Jimin raises an eyebrow, confused by Taehyung's panicked look considering this isn't the first time Jimin has caught them. However, Jimin understand and mirrors Taehyung's expression when a second head pops up to look at Jimin over the coach.


Ahhh. School is over! Finals are done and I'm so happy!! Also thank you so so so much for 3k + reads!! Oh my gracious, that's insane! Love you all for your support and comments and everything that shows me you are enjoying this story!! I appreciate every single one of you! Thank you!

Stay beautiful <3

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