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From the glow of his phone illuminating his face, a faint smile can be seen on Jimins face as he reads the comments on his latest post.

Jimin clicks on Yoongi's username and is directed to his page for the nth time that night. Scrolling throw his page once again, Jimin reads some of the comments. Most of them are just people raging about how attractive he is and how they want to marry him, among other things. However, some of them talked about his music.

"He produces his own music?" Jimin says aloud to no one as he reads one of Yoongi's post that stated he just uploaded a new song to YouTube. He scrolled up to the top of his page and found the link to his channel in his bio.

Jimin grabs the headphones he keeps on his nightstand and clicks on the most recent video posted. Putting his headphones in his ears, he settled into bed. At the sound of the voice of the man that suddenly took such a great interest in him, Jimin let his mind be filled with thoughts of him.

He was attracted to Yoongi, he would admit that. However, he knew that Yoongi was used to people falling on their knees for him, his Instagram being a perfect example of that. Jimin wasn't going to be one of those people. Letting his eye flutter shut and a smile spread across his face, Jimin falls asleep with one last thought on his mind. Boy is Min Yoongi in for a rude awaken.


"MOCHI! WAKE UP!!" Taehyung yells in Jimins ear. Jimin groans and attempts to roll over but is stopped by a heavy weight around his waist. Slowly opening his eyes, Jimin is meet with Taehyung's face only a few centimeters away from him.

Not expecting such close proximity, Jimin let's a loud screech causing Taehyung to do the same. Jimin shoots up and in the process, Taehyung is pushed off the bed and onto the floor.

A few seconds later Jungkook enters the room and leans against the door frame, observing the scene in front of him. A pouting Teahyung on the floor and a panting Jimin whos holding chest as if hes about to have a heart attack. "At this point, I would have thought you'd be used to this, Hyung."

Jimin glares at Jungkook, "No. Does he wake you up like this too?"

A smirk forms on Jungkooks face, "oh yeah, but we normally end in a completely different position." Jimin's glare morphs into a look of disgust, "Wait, no. I take that back. Sometimes we end up on the floor too."

"Kookie!" Taehyung yells as he pushes a laughing Jungkook out of the room. Once the pair leave, Jimin decided to get up and get dressed for the day. He throws on a red button up shirt and black jeans and heads to the kitchen for breakfast.

Jimin passes the dinning room on his way to the kitchen and sees Jungkook and Taehyung already sitting at the table eating.

"There's some food here if you want some Jiminie." Taehyung says before stuffing a piece of toast into his mouth.

Jimin walks up to the table and takes in the spread of food, "and, uh, who cooked it?" Jimin tries to ask casually.

"I did, Hyung it's safe." Jungkook ensures Jimin as he takes a seat next to Taehyung.

"Well I helped with the toast!" Taehyung exclaims proudly at the same time as Jimin grabs a piece of toast. Jimin holds the piece up and reveals one side that's burnt to a crisp.

"I can tell." Jimin says as he puts the piece down and grabs a new, non-burnt one. Taehyung pouts and looks to Jungkook, hoping that he will defend his toast.

Much to Taehyung's dismay, he just rests his hand on Taehyung's forearm and gives him a gentle, reassuring squeeze, "Its okay, you tried."

Taehyung just looks down at his plate sadly while mumbling, "No one appreciates my toast."

The three finish the rest of their breakfast and as Jungkook clears the table he notices the time and gives Jimin a confused look. "Hyung," he says grabbing Jimin attention, "doesn't your class start at 10:30 this morning? It's 9:56, your going to miss the bus."

"Shit. Shit. SHIT." Jimin scramble to his room to grab his backpack and rushes out the door, hoping he could still catch the bus.

"This is Karma for not appreciating my toast!" Taehyung yells after him.


At 10:28, Jimin enters the lecture hall of his class, short of breath. He scans to room for an open seat. The class almost always fills the whole lecture hall, so Jimin counts his luck stars when he spots two empty seats in the middle of the third row.

After a minute or two of awkwardly whispering  "excuse me" and bumping into people as he tried to squeeze down the aisle, Jimin reaches the empty seats. Once he is settled in his seat Jimin is startled for the second time that day by voice right next to his ear.

"I didn't know you were in this class Jiminie."

Jimin turns around to see none other than Min Yoongi. With an eye roll Jimin turns to face forward again but in his peripheral vision, he could see Yoongi climbing over the seat and sitting down next to him.

"What are you doing?!" Jimin hisses at Yoongi as they start to gain the attention of the people surrounding them, whisper forming about them.

"What does it look like? I'm moving to sit next to you?" Yoongi answers as if climbing across seats like a 10 year old at a movie theater is completely normal.

"Okay, let me rephrase. Why are you doing what you're doing?" 

Yoongi finishes settling into his seat before he acknowledges Jimin's question. "Well I would have figured you know. I mean. Were you not the one who called me out for not being very subtle?"

"Your not but that doesn't mean I know your motivations." 

"Shhh. Class is starting, " Yoongi points to the Professor, eho is now standing at the front of the class and begins explaining the various rules used to take a derivative, "I'm trying to learn some calculus."

"You don't even have a backpack with you." Jimin calls Yoongi out but Yoongi just shrugs and keeping his attention on the professor.

The class went by quickly, Jimin trying to take at many notes as possible and Yoongi shamelessly staring at Jimin. Before Jimin knew it, the professor was dismissing the class and students were piling out of the lecture hall.

Once the two were outside of the building, Yoongi throw an arm around Jimins shoulders and releases a loud sigh as he looks around, searching for nothing in particular. "So Jiminie, what are we doing now?"

"I'm going to my next class." Jimin says, trying to make it clear that his plans for the rest of the did not involve him.

"Lying to me already, and so early in our relationship," Yoongi says in a fake hurt tone as he puts his free hand over his heart, "I know you don't have anymore classes today."

Jimin stops walking and push Yoongi away, giving him a sceptical look, "should I be concerned? Are you actually stalking me?"

Yoongi chuckles as he shakes his head, "No, your friend Jungkook actually gave me the information. He's a really big fan of Yoonmin apparently."

"I'm going to crumble that Kookie." Jimin says slightly annoyed.

"You're cute when you're mad." Yoongi comments, finding this whole situation very amusing. Jimin just rolls his eyes, a habit he finds himself doing a lot lately because Yoongi. Walking ahead, with a smiling Yoongi following not far behind, Jimin can't help but think this is going to be a long day.


Jimin in red kills me

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