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"What the hell is wrong with everyone?! Did someone die I was unaware of?" Jin harshly whispers into the phone.

Namjoon sighs deeply on the other end of the line, "I don't know. The guys here are acting strange too. Yoongi keeps mubbling curse words about Jimin and Hoseok never leaves his room other than for classes."

"It's weird at the boys place too. Jungkook and Taehyung aren't acting like Jungkook and Taehyung." Jin says in a worried tone.

"How so?"

"Well, Kookie isn't being a sassy flirt with Taehyung and Taehyung isn't clinging to Jungkook. They're acting like a normal couple." Jin explains.

"What about Jimin? Has he said anything about why Yoongi is so mad at him?"

"No when I brought it up, Jimin just asked if Yoongi hated him and seemed like he might cry if told him yes."

"Well, what did you tell him?"

"That I don't know."

"And what did he do?"

"He cried."


"What? They don't tell me anything anymore! Last I knew Jimin wanted nothing to do with Min Yoongi. Now hes crying at the prospect that he might hate him?"

"Namjoon?" Hoseok faint voice is heard in the background.

"Shit it's Hoseok. I better go." Namjoon says his goodbye hangs up the phone and quickly shoves it in his pocket. "Hey Hobi, what's up?"

"I, I need to talk to someone. It's important and I don't know what else to do."  Hoseok said biting his lip.

Namjoon walks over to the couch and motions for Hoseok to follow him, "What's going on?" Namjoon asks once Hoseok was settled down beside him. Namjoon doesn't pressure or force Hoseok to say anything as he sees him internally struggling with his words.

"I did something, something bad. I can't say it's something I regret, I just regret the way it happened." Hoseok starts as he looks at the ground not wanting to make eye contact. Again Namjoon doesn't push but rather waits for Hoseok to be comfortable enough to continue. "I hurt two people I really care about and myself." Hoseok says as he finally looks up tears in his tears, "I'm hurting so much and I don't know what to do because every outcome of this situation everyone ends up hurt."

Namjoon moves closer to Hoseok and rubs a comforting hand on his back. Look forward, Hoseok completely breaks down for the first time in front of Namjoon, "I love him so much and I hurt him. I hurt him because he loves someone else more but I was selfish and wanted to feel the same love, even for just a second and I knew he would give it to me. I know, because thats the kind of person he is. Doesnt want to hurt anyone."

Namjoon didn't need Hoseok to say who to know what happened. Yoongi and Namjoon could see the way Hoseok looks at Taehyung. The way his eye light up whenever he talks about the younger and the way his attention is immediately caught at any mention of they younger.

Hoseok was in love, and love can make good people do bad things. 

"When did this happen?" Namjoon asks.

"A couple of days ago."

"Have you talked to him since?"

Hoseok let's out a laugh filled with no humor but rather pain, "To have him tell me what I already know? That he's sorry that he can't love me because he love someone else, even if that someone else doesn't want him, anymore? To see the man I'm madly in love with hurt because I got him for a second. One stupidly selfish second?" Hoseok shacks his head, "No I can't do that. I couldn't bare it."

"You can't ignore him forever. You deserve closer just as much as they do in this situation."

"I don't need closer. I put my happiness before Taehyung's. I took his happiness so I could have my own. How could I do that and then face him?" Hoseok asks Namjoon while wiping his tears away.

"Taehyung is just as responsible in this. You didn't force him into anything, he's not going to put all the blame on you or hate you." Namjoon tries to reassure his friend.

"That's just it. He's not going to hate. He's going to take all the blame and guilt trip himself for not being able to return my feelings. He kissed me out of pity and I gladly accepted that and it's consequences without a second thought."

"Taehyung is probably scared and confused, Hoseok. We all know that man loves Jungkook more than his own life and he's probably about to lose that person. I don't think he's want to lose you in the process too. I understand if it would be too hard, but if you love him as much as you say you do. Then don't leave him too." Namjoon stands to leave Hoseok with his words and gives him space.

"Would you leave Jin?" Hoseok questions just before Namjoon leaves the living room, "If he cheated would you leave him?"

Namjoon gives him a small smile, "That man could shoot me and I'd still never leave him."

For the first time in what feel like forever, Hoseok smiles.

"Minnie." Jin says as he lightly knocks on Jimins bedroom door. He hears a faint "come in" before opening the door, revealing Jimin sitting at his desk working on homework. "Do you have a second to talk?"

Jimin sets down his pencil and turns around in his chair to face fully face Jin, who is now sitting on his bed. "Sure, what's up?"

"What happened between you and Yoongi?"

Jimins muscles tense at the mention of Yoongi's name before he relaxes again and says, "What do you mean? Nothing is happening between us."

"Exactly, Jimin. I know you like him," Jin states and as Jimin opens his mouth to protest Jin is speaking again, "You can sit here and deny it all you want but it's the true so face it." Jimin just closes his mouth and sighs in defeat.

"I had to push him away." Jimin mubbles.


"For reasons I can't say."

Jin rolls his eyes, "That's bullshit, Jimin."

"Its not bullshit, I was protecting my friend." Jimin tries to defend.

"Okay, then don't tell me but were you protecting your friend or yourself, Jimin?" Himself. Jimin knew that was the real reason he completely shut Yoongi out. The situation with Taehyung and Hoseok was just an excuse for Jimin to run and hide from his feels. The feeling of letting someone else hurt him the way people are bound to do. "You can't keep pushing everyone away. You are not protecting yourself and it's about time you grow up and face you're feelings."

"You are right. I need to man and accept that fact that I have feelings and very strong feelings in particular for Min Yoongi."

Jins face face turns from shock to happy, not expecting Jimin to admit it so easily, "Oh thank, Jesus." Jin lets out a sigh of relief, "So you're going to talk to him?"

"Yes." Jimin states as he stands up.

"Okay but not right now, finish your homework." Jin demands as he gets up to leave, Jimin nods and immediate sits back down. "One more question, Jimin." Jimin slightly turns back and raises an eyebrow in question.

"What's wrong with Jungkook and Taehyung?"

I got some inspiration and finished this chapter earlier than expected lmao.

What are your guys thoughts now that you got to see more of Hoseoks side of things? I'm curious to know!

Anyways as always,

Stay beautiful <3

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