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"Jimin." Yoongi says, his tone exasperated as he hits the back of his head on the head rest, drags his hands down his face and releases a heavy sigh.

"No." Jimin crosses his arms over his chest and pouts.

"Well you're not staying in my car and I'm not driving you back. So you might as well just come up." Yoongi tries to reason with Jimin.

"This is technically kidnapping, you know?" Jimin says turning to face Yoongi for the first time since they arrived 45 minutes ago.

"No it's not. If you really wanted to leave I would let you leave." Yoongi says as he leans forward on his right arm that's resting on the center console.

Jimin repeats the actions Yoongi has just done and looks him dead in the eye, "I really want to leave."

"No." Jimin scoffs and rests back against his seat, "What's so bad about staying over anyways? Friends have sleepovers all the time. Isn't that right Hobi?" Yoongi says using the same tone Jimin has been all night while saying "friends".

"I don't know. What I do know is that it's dumb as shit that you have the child lock on and that I've been stuck in a car for 45 minutes with you two dumb fucks when I could be in my bed right now!" Yoongi and Jimin both look back at Hosoek in complete shock. "So one of you, I dont care who, better get the fuck on out of this car and open my damn door." A few seconds pass without anyone moving before Jimin scrambles out of the car to open Hoseoks door for him.

Hoseok hopes out of the car with a bright smile on his face, "Thanks Jimmy." Hoseok says as he ruffles Jimins hair and skips off to their apartment building.

Jimin watches after Hoseok, shock still in his system, "That was..."

"Terrifying" Yoongi finish for Jimin walking up behind him. Yoongi push the car doors close and walks off in the same direction Hoseok had.

Jimin follows lightly jogging to catch up with Yoongi, "I have class tomorrow you know. I can't just skip them."

Yoongi push the up arrow button and waits for the elevator. "Who said you had to skip them? I'll drive you to campus."

They step into the elevator. "My first class is at eight-thirty am"

"Eight-thirty? In the morning? Why? What's wrong with you." Yoongi looks at Jimin as if he has just personally wronged him.

"I like my afternoons free!" Jimin defends himself as they step off the elevator. "Yoongi I really don't-"

"Jimin if you were really against the idea, you wouldn't have followed me up here. Now shut up and come inside." Yoongi say pushing the door open.

As the two boys enter the apartment for the second time that day together they come face to face with a Hoseok dressed in blue pajamas with like white clouds littering them.

"I apologize for my out burst earlier." Hoseok says while looking down at his bunny slippers. Jimin pats Hoseok on the back in efforts to comfort the boy and telling him it's okay. "Do you guys want to watch a movie or something?!" Hoseok asks excitedly while running into the living room, remote in hand and jumping on the coach.

Jimin starts to follow after Hoseok but can't get very far before Yoongi's grab his upper arm spinning his around and changing his direction to where Yoongi's bedroom is. "No. I'm not doing this shit anymore. I have shared my time with Jimin enough today. He's mine for the rest of the night."

Hoseok stop jumping and gave them a pout, "then what am I supposed to do."

"Did you say you want to be in your bed?" Yoongi

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