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Yoongi storms into his apartment, slamming the door behind him. Jin and Namjoon were cuddling on the couch when they heard the chaos Yoongi was leaving in his wake.

They see a furious Yoongi storm by them and hear the slam of another door. Before they can even ask each other what just happened, a fuming Yoongi is standing before them. Pointing an accusing finger at Jin. "You." Yoongi says through a clenched jaw, "Your friend is so fucking confusing." and storms off once again.

"What did your friend do?" Namjoon asks in a tone that curious but is also slightly accusing.

"The fuck do I know. I'm not a goddamn prophet, I can't see everything that happen." Seokjin retorts back. "Maybe you should check on him and find out?"

At this Namjoon gave his boyfriend a sympathic look and shook his head because he know Jin was just worried and trying to help but he doesn't know Yoongi. "No, trust me. Yoongi doesn't want to be checked on right now."

When Jin gave Namjoon a confused look he just stood up and took both of Jins hands dragging him up as well. "where are we going?" Jin asked confused but put up no resistance.

"Well the first night we meet, you made us this most fantastic meal," Namjoon started as he slowly walk them backwards towards the kitchen, "so I figured we could do that again." Namjoon stopped in front of the kitchen and moved behind Jin, revealing all the ingredients in order to prepare the exact same meal. Sneaking his hands around Jins waist and resting his chin on his shoulder, Namjoon whispers in his ear, "but this time together."

Jin let's out a smile laugh as he rests his head back on Namjoon's shoulder and laying his arms on top of Namjoon's. "Stop trying to be all cute and just say you want me to cook for you."

"Fine. I want you to cook for me but I also want to help!" Namjoon says defensively.

Jin turns around in his arms, a big smile on his face because he can't help but to just feel happy in this moment. Jin rests his forehead on Namjoon's and closes his eyes. living in this moment. A few seconds pass before Jin lifts his head, gives Namjoon a small peck and says, "Stay out of my kitchen." Jim walks away, leaving a pouting Namjoon, who quickly follows going on about how it's technically his kitchen.



It's such a twisted game. The best kind of people will feel the worst of it while the worst never have to suffer.

A good person will make a single mistake, that it be a bad one, but nonetheless a mistake and let the guilt eat them alive.

Taehyung has never felt more guilty in his life. He's made mistakes in his past because of his rash and impulsive nature. However, he never expected to mess up so badly because of a five second decision he didn't mean to make.

It had been a few hours since Taehyung and Jimin had their fight. Once Jimin had walked away, Taehyung felt empty. He knew what he did was wrong. He wasn't going to deny that. There's no excuse. There's not good reason or anyway to justify what he did. Taehyung knew that and he felt guilty. Taehyung dropped to the floor and didn't move.

When Hoseok tried helping him and asked over and over again if he need help, Taehyung didn't say anything. He didn't want help. He didn't want to talk. Eventually Hoseok left and Taehyung has been in the same position ever since.

The first thing Jungkook sees when he walks into his apartment is his boyfriend sitting on the floor, silent tears running down his face as he holds no emotion o his face.

"Tae Baby, what's wrong?!" Jungkooks say throwing his stuff to the floor without a care as the only thing he cares about hnw is his boyfriend that looks broken on the floor.

Jungkook immediately falls before his boyfriend, cupping his face and wiping away his tears. "Tae, please tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung broke. The tears fell faster and his heart cracked further. "Its okay, baby it's okay," Jungkook says soothingly as he grabs Taehyung in his arms, resting his chin on his head, "you don't have to tell me now, okay? Just trying to calm down. I'm here for you, just calm down." Jungkook runs his figures through Taehyung's hair trying to comfort him.

Jimin walks out of his room to see the couple on the floor and stops in his tracks. Jungkook mouths to Jimin, "What happened?" Jimin looks at his two best friends and his heart breaks for them. For Jungkook, who's been through this time and time again. Who is about have his heart be broken by the very person he hold and he doesn't even have a clue. For Taehyung, because he knows he loves Jungkook more than anything and he made a mistake. A mistake he might not be able to fix and he only has himself to blame.

Jimin gives Jungkook a sad smile and hurriedly walks to the kitchen before a tear can fall.


Yoongi has been hastily scribbling down lyrics to release how he is feeling.

Angry. Hurt. Confused. Angry.

However, he can't stay focused for long, due to the fact that he keeps hearing loud bangs and laughter from outside his room.

Letting out a annoyed huff of air Yoongi stormed out of his room for the second time that night with every intention to yell at the noisey couple. However, once he reached the kitchen his annoyance seemed to dissapate after seeing the couple before him.

Jin is clutching his stomach from laughing so hard and Namjoon is pouting while trying to keep his smile down as he watches his boyfriend's laughing fit. "How do you manage to get flour all over yourself?" Jin asks between laughs, " We don't even need to use flour!"

"Don't you put floor down first so things don't stick together?" Namjoon asks confused by what he was doing wrong.

"Only when you're working with dough you dumbass, not vegetables." Yoongi says announcing his presence.

"That should have been clearified on the cooking channel I was watching earlier." Namjoon mutters which only cause Jin to laugh harder.

"Sweet Jesus, do you guys need help?"

"Please." Jin says wiping away the water from his eyes.

"Okay I'll cut the onions." Namjoon states excited to start cooking again as he picks up the big chefs knife and goes to cut the onions. Only to be stopped by Yoongi who flips the knife around so the shape side of the blade faces down and gives an encouraging pat on the back.


The three are finishing up cooking when Hoseok walks in.

"Hobi, just in time we made dinner. Are you hungry?" Jin asks. Hobi looks around flustered before shaking his head and walking off to his room. "Okay?" Jin looks confused at the other two as if to ask if they know what's up.

Namjoon just shrugs his shoulders and Yoongi is still look in the direction Hoseok walked away too. "I'll be back." Yoongi say as he walks toward the same direction.

Yoongi softly knocks on Hoseoks door and then slowing pushes it open. "Hobi?" Once the door is fully opened, Yoongi sees Hoseok sitting at the edge of his bed with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "Hoseok, are you okay? Where have you been?"

Hoseok looks up at Yoongi with red puffy eyes but still tries to put on a smile. "I'm fine, just stressed." Hoseok says as he stands and starts to push Yoongi to the door.

"Stressed about what, Hob, you know you can talk to me about anything." Yoongi says as he stands outside Hoseoks door now.

"I know, thank you." Hoseok then closes the door and a faint click is heard, telling Yoongi he locked the door. Leaving a worried and confused Yoongi standing outside someone's door for the second time today.


Hi again :)


Stay beautiful <3

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