Jake Gyllenhaal

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Pairing- Jake x reader
Warnings- mentions of abortion?

What do you do when your life comes crashing down in an instant? For so long you have been living a dream, and then something happens, something unplanned, something unexpected, something totally uncalled for and it's enough to let your life come spiralling down to nothingness, to loneliness. A split second, a slip of mind, was all it took.

You were realising this as you sat on the couch, wrapped tightly in a blanket. It was a cold day but you really felt the temperature drop by several degrees as soon as Jake stepped out the house you both had been sharing for the past eight months. With much effort, you lift your head, which felt heavy at the moment, and with vacant eyes you look at the door for the nth time since morning. Jake had been really mad at you when he had walked through those very same doors and once out, he had slammed it so hard, your bones still rattled with his fury.

From the time you had dizzily stepped out the brownstone building that harboured your doctor's clinic, previous morning, till the very moment Jake had arrived from Montana, after a long month of filming for his next movie, that evening, you had gone through every possible reaction he would have to the news you were about to break, but not once did you expect him to go ballistic over you, accuse you of being irresponsible and then demand to get rid of the baby. To hear him say those words had literally ripped you apart. Even thou very cliché but you could swear that you had heard your heart break when he said that he would never acknowledge the baby as his own.

With every word stumbling out his mouth you were left stunned but there was a small part of you that was aware of the truth that shone through his piercing blue eye- he was only scared, scared for himself yes, but mostly scared for you.

The noise of keys jangling and the lock turning echoed through the cold room and your eyes shot up instantly, a shiver of hope seeping into your vacant eyes but it left the moment you saw your sister walking in instead of your boyfriend Jake.

"Hey Y/N... I was trying to reach you and... Oh God!", she came rushing to your side and wrapped you in a tight hug but you didn't respond. You sat still and let your sister comfort you with words that fell on deaf ears.

In a way you were glad for your sister. She was everything to you. Growing up it had always been you and your sister. Your parents weren't always around and the tough circumstances had forged a strong bond between you and Y/S/N. You chose to move to the great city of New York only because it had been your Y/S/N's dream to settle down here and although you had never been fascinated by the intimidating city you also didn't want to live far away from your sister. So when you had received admittance in New York University for your degree you took it up instantly. It had been two years ago and you were in your third year, but you still found the city just as intimidating and daunting like you had when you had arrived here the first time. Despite all that you were happy because you had your sister and then you had found the love of your life in this city, your boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal.

It had been purely a chance meeting with the hot shot actor on whom you had had a crush since you had watched Donnie Darko. Your first encounter had been at Starbucks and it had been, by no means a magical one. At first you had rambled and gushed about your love for his work and him as well and when you realised what you had said, the words coming out your mouth began to sputter and putter. You were absolutely embarrassed by the end of it but apparently Jake had found the whole thing adorable.

Never once did you think that that one embarrassing brush with the Jake Gyllenhaal would lead to him actually buying you coffee, which turned to two coffees and eventually ended with him asking for your number and a chance to take you out for dinner sometime. It had all felt dreamlike and when you had narrated the whole thing to your sister she had declared you positively delusional.

One dinner date turned into several dinner and lunch dates and before you knew it you, you had fallen for the man. It was hard not to. Jake was an amazing person to be with but what you really loved about him was his humble nature, his kindness and his mischievousness. Jake could be gentle and rough at the same time, driving you insane and those naughty remarks and hints he throws your way only leaves you panting and anticipating your next meeting.

Everything was great, a fairy tale really, but a shadow always seemed to follow you both, a shadow that's rarely addressed but you knew it was there and it was inevitable and Jake being a famous celebrity, this unaddressed matter cast a rather much darker shadow. But both you and, especially, Jake were hesitant to bring it up and that was the age- gap. You were only twenty while Jake was thirty- seven.

The age- gap didn't bother you, it didn't seem to bother Jake so much either, unless it remained away from the spotlight. The day it came out in the open, and it was going to come eventually, neither knew how they would handle it. For now nobody, except for your sister, knew about the relation.

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