Niall Horan

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Pairing- Niall Horan x Reader
Warning(s) - None

       You worked in a cute instruments shop in London, it was a cozy shop that you loved very much. There was always someone playing some instrument or another, your love for music made you want to never leave the shop. You’d play the piano or the guitar on slow days. Today was one of those days, it was a Monday, both a work and school day. You and the old owner of the shop were the only people working for that day, you were board out of your mind. You were so board that even your phone couldn’t keep you occupied. You sighed for what felt like the millionth time.

“(y/n)?” The owner said gaining your attention.

“Yes?” You asked eager for anything to do.

“Why don’t you play something? Maybe that’ll gain some people’s attention as they walk by.”
He said and you nodded, walking to your guitar case. “No play something on the piano.” He said and gestured to the black grand piano in the middle of the shop.

It was the first thing you saw when you walked in, but not a lot of people play it or are allowed to. Mr. Jacobs(random name, got board of saying the owner.) loves that piano, he has a sign on the by the piano saying how no one is allowed to play it. So when your eyes went wide it was an understandable. There is other pianos in the shop just this one was the grandest.

“Are you sure?” You asked wanting to make sure.

“Yes, you’ve been around longer than anyone else and I have to admit I love hearing you play.” Mr. Jacobs says and you grin widely.

“Okay.” You say softly and go to the grand piano and run your fingertips over it before sitting down on the velvet bench. You close your eyes take a deep breath and let your senses take over. And press the keys to the familiar song. It’s by one of your favourite artists, you just leaned it the other day and was more than happy to let people hear you play it. As the melody flowed in the shop, you heard the door open and close a few moments later, but you were too lost in the music to stop. A smile was on your face as you hit every key correctly. You almost stopped when you heard someone sing the lyrics to the song you were playing. Almost. You knew that voice, you knew it well. Your eyes opened and you looked to the man who was singing the song. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw the Irish man looking at you while he sang out the words. You were so focused on him and playing the song that you didn’t notice another man filming you two. You looked back forward and tried to keep the blush of your face. You were failing miserably but finished the song nonetheless. You exhaled deeply before standing up to face the man you looked up to a lot for inspiration. Mr. Jacobs clapped and you giggled at the old man.

“Hi!” You said shyly turning to the man in front of you, a blush still on your cheeks.

“Hey, that was amazing.” Niall said with a smile.

“Thanks, it’s the song that is amazing.” You complemented back to the singer.

“That’s kind of you.” He said and you gave him an award winning smile. “So I want to get a guitar for a friend of mine as a gift for his birthday.”

“Okay, come along and I’ll show you what we have.” You said standing up and leading Niall to the wall of guitars while his friend sat down and took his phone out replaying the video he just shot of you two. “So what are you looking for? Do you have any specifics?”

“Sorry, I didn’t get your name.” Niall asked you not even looking at the guitars.

“I’m (y/n).” You said and put your hand out for Niall to shake it, he took your hand and shook it.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Niall.” He said.

“I kind of guessed who you are.” You said with a giggle, you both let go of each other’s hands. You found yourself staring at Niall, your (e/c) not leaving his blue eyes. After what felt like forever you shook your head coming out of the trance you were in. “I’m sorry, I just love your music.”

“I’m glad you do.” He said and glanced at the piano. “I’m guessing you love music as well.”

“Yeah, I grew up with music all around me.” You said, remembering your home and how there was always a song playing and the small piano you had in your living room.

“So what do you play beside the piano?” Niall asked you interested.

“I play the guitar as well, my brother tried to teach me the drums but it just wasn’t my thing.” You said shrugging.

“She writes as well!” Mr. Jacobs shouted making you give him a look of disbelieve, your eyes were wide and a red hue fell on your cheeks. Niall looked at you with more interest, he found himself drawn to you. He didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t want to stop walking to you.

“Do you?” He asked you, you nodded
“Yeah, they’re not that good though.” You said bashful.

“Can I read them?” He asked you and you nodded slightly and went behind the counter where your bag was, you took out your journal that held all your songs and pomes. You hesitated before giving it to Niall.

“Not all of them are finished.” You said fidgeting with your fingers. Niall opened the journal to there the pen was, he read over the song you were working on. “What do you think? I mean it’s not my best.”

“You’re joking, this is amazing!” Niall said and flipped through the journal. “You should sell those or sing them even.”

“Do you really think so?” You asked him surprised by his reaction.

“Yeah, tell you what I’d love to talk to you more.” Niall said and took out his phone.
“Give me your number and I’ll call you.”
“Are you serious?” You asked shocked.

“Yeah.” Niall said and gave you his phone, you put in your number and gave it back to Niall.

“Okay, so do you still want to get a guitar? Or?” You asked, trying to hide the blush on your face, it seemed as you couldn’t stop the redness from going away from your cheeks. He made you giddy and fidgety and not just because he’s a superstar.

“Yeah.” Niall said as if he forgot why he was here in the first place. “I’m looking for a guitar for Harry for his birthday.”

You nodded and started to look with Niall to the wall for a guitar. “Okay I’ll show you a few that I think will fit Harry well.”

You pointed out a few guitars for Niall and he tried a couple but none that seemed to fit his friend. “I got an idea.” You said and left to go to the backroom where few special guitars and instruments were. “I think this one is the one.” You said and sat the guitar case on the bench and opened the case. Niall smiled and you knew you go the one. “What do you think?”

“This is perfect.” Niall said and took the guitar out and played a few tunes. “I’m getting this one.”

“Okay.” You said, Niall payed and got the guitar.

“I’ll be calling you, darlin’” He said and you nodded biting your bottom lip.

“And I’ll be waiting.” With that Niall and his friend left but without a last lingering look. You couldn’t help but sigh happily with a dreamy look on your face.

“He seemed nice.” Mr. Jacobs said and you gave the old man a smile.

“Yeah he is.”

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