Jake Gyllenhaal

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Pairing- Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Warning(s) - None

       Your eyes flew open and the very first thing that your groggy mind registers is the sweat that covered every inch of your skin, drenching your t- shirt as well. You run your hand over your face as you try to recollect what the dream was about but nothing came to recollection except for the blunt awareness of the frightful feeling that rode your galloping heart.

       Sadly this had become a thing now, which was quite frustrating. Generally speaking you didn’t have issues with sleep but whenever Jake wasn’t home or was gone for a long duration, these nightmares became a recurrent occurring. You usually never had any recollection of the dreams and were always left with this terrible anxiety and no sleep.

       Sighing you turn around on to your side and reach out to grab our phone which you had placed on the night stand. You roll over so that you were lying on your stomach now as you pressed the phone to life. Jake’s goofy face comes staring back at you instantly easing some of your anxiety.

       You chuckle as you slide your finger against the screen to scroll through the texts and mails before going for messenger. Pulling out Jake’s contact you began typing a text.

‘Are you still up?’

       You tap on the send button and wait. After a moment of silence you get up and lean against the headboard, listening to the mild distant drone of the traffic that flitted through the glass windows in the stillness of the night.

       A few more quite moments pass before the typical ping of the phone alerts you to an incoming text. Quickly you pick up the phone and check Jake’s reply.

‘I am but that’s because I am on the other side of the country where people are only beginning to contemplating bed time. What’s your excuse for being up so late missy?’

       Jake’s reply made you laugh, especially the smiley which bordered on questioning and chastising as if he were some parent talking to his child, reprimanding for being out of bed after it was way past bed time.

‘The bed is too cold and too empty for me to sleep in. Come to me.’

       You add a pouting smiley (or at least that’s what it looked like) at the end before sending it. This time you didn’t have to wait long as the bubble popped indicating that he was typing a reply.

‘Aaww... My baby is missing me. <smirking>’

       You roll your eyes at the obvious teasing and begin tapping at the screen.

‘Duh! Why? Aren’t you missing me? <sad, pouting>’

       His response is almost instant again but it comes in instalment and you feel a twinge of guilt knowing he was busy, probably talking to someone, yet was replying.

‘Of Course’

‘I miss you baby’

‘Tell me’

‘What can I do for you’

‘To help you fall’


       Sliding back between your sheets you wait for the string of incoming messages to stop. You bite your lip as you read the texts before typing your response.

‘Aaww... You’re so cute. <kiss> <heart>’

‘I know.’

‘But what exactly did I do to deserve a compliment? <confused>’

‘For wanting to help me back to sleep from other end of the country. Duh!’, you roll your eyes again before sending your answer.

‘Oh! <grinning>’

‘Anything for you babe.’

‘Now tell me what can I do?’

‘Bed time story, lullaby or phone s**.’

‘Personally I would chose the last option because it’s highly effective <wink>’

       Despite the fact that no one was seeing this you felt your cheeks get hot. If Jake was still texting it clearly meant that he was in a place where he probably couldn’t call. Presuming he was surrounded by people, you couldn’t believe that he was typing these things. Anybody could be reading this and what would they think!

‘Wouldn’t you know all about that?! <eye rolling>’


‘As much as your third option appeals to me, I am going to settle for you singing to me. Your voice always soothes me.’

       You smile to yourself as you wait for his reply. Five minutes go by and Jake doesn’t reply leading you to think that probably he had to get back to work or something. When another five minutes had passed you had begun to think if Jake had mentioned anything about filming at night when the phone suddenly goes off, filling the dreadful silence of the room with the cheery ringtone assigned for your boyfriend’s number.

“Hey. You called. I was just trying to recollect if you had mentioned anything about a night shoot.”, you said, listening to the chaotic noise in the background.

“Night shoot?”, Jake snorted, “No. I am out at this bar with the cast and man is it crazy in here!”

“Ya well, the loud music and the boisterous laugh and cheering in the background kinda gave it away.”, you laugh.

“Ya! It’s insane. Sadly I am too tired to try and enjoy anything. Too tired.”, he whined into the phone making you laugh. His ‘s’ came out with lisp and you know he was wasted. In the background you could hear a woman at the bar tender for another shot.

“Oh baby... Why don’t you tell them that and call it a night? I am sure they would understand.”, you said.

“Na. Can’t do that.”, he sighs before somewhat languidly continued, “It’s the last day--”

       Jake stopped himself rather abruptly, making you raise an eyebrow in confusion and suspicion. After taking a moment to compose himself he speaks into the phone again and this time he sounded more awake than he had just a few seconds ago.

“Ahmm... It’s one of the extra’s birthday.”, his statement came out more as a question as if he was trying to convince himself. You sensed that Jake was trying to hide something but you couldn’t guess what it was.

“Anyway.”, he continued, “More to the point. Let me to sing to you baby.”, he tried to veer the topic away from his slip.

       Instead of replying immediately you think about whether to ask him about what he was hiding or to let it slip for now. Choosing to let him succeed in his endeavours to change the topic you simply hum in answer. You almost hear him sigh in relief before the noise in the background begins to fade gradually. Soon the noise was barely audible and you assumed Jake had moved to a place less noisy. And then you heard his beautiful voice croon into the phone.


       When the next time you opened your eyes, you found yourself lying parallel to the head board (however that happened!), the sheets were creased and crumpled and the alarm kept buzzing non- stop.

       Shutting the alarm clock you slide out of the bed and feel something solid and smooth beneath your feet. Looking down you find your phone lying screen down on the floor. You bend down, groaning, to pick it up before getting ready for work.

       The day drags by slowly and nothing eventful happened at work. At first you were glad you didn’t have much work but then as the day rolls by you find yourself dreaded by the lack of work because now that you didn’t have anything to occupy with you found your mind wandering back to the man, who for some reason, was completely unavailable to you over the phone. You realised that he would be very busy considering there was only one more week left to finish filming the movie.

       While you understood the situation, it didn’t necessarily make you feel better. You still missed Jake and today was one of those days when you just craved the presence, physical or virtual, of the man you loved so much.

       Evening comes and you drag yourself out the office and head towards home knowing what was awaiting for you at home- loneliness and more loneliness. You even decided that you would beg, if it comes to that, Jake to sing to you before you would go to bed.

       As you unlocked the door to Jake’s house, you were greeted by a blissful and excited Leo. You immediately bend down to pet the dog who leaped onto you and began to lick your face. While this should have struck you as odd, it didn’t, because Leo always greeted you in this manner when it was home. When it was home! You realise a moment too late that this time Jake had taken Leo along with him. If Leo was home that meant...

       You felt your heart accelerate in pace as you rushed into the house and threw your jacket and bag on the floor. You begin to look around and walk into the kitchen trying to contain yourself. This was too good to be true and you could feel your heart swell painfully with hope.

“Leo gave the whole surprise away didn’t he?!”, Jake chuckled, seeing you standing wide eye near the entrance to the kitchen.

       Tears begin to slide down your cheeks (happy tears of course) as you run across the floor towards Jake and throw yourself at him. Jake catches you in time and holds you tightly against his chest.

       His strong arms were real, his smell was real, his voice was real, his lips felt real but it was so hard for you to accept that he was standing in the kitchen for real.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe you are really here.”, you weep into his chest.

“Hey...”, Jake says softly pushing you a little so that he could see you face. He wipes at your tears with his thumbs as he whispers sweet things to calm you.

“I am so sorry I just missed you so much and I didn’t expect to see you here at all.”, you babbled.

“It’s alright baby. I am here now.”, Jake whispered as he stroked your hair.

“We finished filming a week before and I wanted to surprise you so I didn’t tell you anything although I was highly tempted.”, he chuckled.

“I love your surprise.”, you sniffed.

       Jake laughs before whispering in your ears, “Tonight I will make sure that the bed is neither too cold nor too empty, baby.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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