Jake Gyllenhaal

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Pairing- Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Warnings- None

       Stirring the pot of sauce with a wooden spoon, you sighed blissfully as you thought how good the past few months has been to you. Sure there were bad days but there were several good days as well. The best of them was the day you first met your boyfriend, Jake Gyllenhaal, the day he asked you out, your first date with him, the day you confessed the love you had for each other, the day he asked you to move in with you- these were some of the best days.

       You look at the wall clock in your kitchen and see that it was ten minutes to six. Jake had promised to be home by six. Even thou you didn’t feel like it, you had decided to make pizza from scratch rather that ordering in one. You were tired of eating pizza out of a box or any food out of a box. When Jake was home he would cook but when he was exhausted after a long day or if he wasn’t around you had to rely on take outs. Reason? You weren’t the best when it came to cooking.

       Early in relation it became very clear to you that you couldn’t go out anywhere with Jake without the paparazzi hounding him. This was a little bit of a problem considering you both haven’t gone public with your relation yet.

       There were mainly two reasons- namely, the fact that you have been together for not more than five months and, although Jake didn’t mind much, it was you who wanted to take it slow, you wanted to be sure before you came out with this relation; and secondly you were nervous about the fact how Jake was eleven years elder to you.

       Words of your wise close friend, Y/F/N, from the previous day comes singing in your ears and you close your eyes for a moment. ‘Age is just a number, Y/N.’, she had said. You know your friend was right, just like every other time. She was right in pointing out that you were thinking way too much and worrying heaps over nothing. Maybe you needed to loosen up a bit and just live. You knew it was an effort for Jake to try and keep things simple for you, to make sure his life didn’t scare you away and he never seemed to complain about it.

       You let the sauce cook some more and began to wash the vegetables as you carry on with your contemplation. What Jake and you shared was real and you both were at a point where you felt like you both wanted a future together. This meant that you needed to learn to deal with the inevitable things of his life. You would have to brave them if you wanted to be with Jake.

       Bringing the washed vegetables to Kitchen Island you went to check on the sauce before chopping them, your mind resolving to be a little braver. You were smiling to yourself, happy with your resolution when you hear the front door open.

“Babe...”, you hear Jake call out in a tired voice and chuckle before hollering back, “I am in the kitchen.”

       You suppress a smile, imagining the huge shock on his face at that small statement and gave the kitchen a once over. Your smile drops instantly realising what a mess it looked right now. Jake would be less pleased about seeing his kitchen in ruins, you guessed. You were frowning at the island covered with flour when you heard some rustling behind you and turned to face the entrance to the kitchen.

       There he was standing with a confused expression on his face as he tried to figure out what had come over his kitchen.

“Err... What are you doing?”, he asked eyeing the oddly shaped slab of flour, too thin at the centre and too thick on the edges, the dry flour splattered in every direction, the sauce bubbling in the pot, splattering occasionally and leaving red stains on the stove.

“I was trying to make pizza.”, you sigh following his gaze. You turn the stove off and begin to untie your apron, ready to thrown in the towel. This was one of the reasons why you still hadn’t learnt to cook- you gave into your disappointment way too easily.

       Jake understood what was happening and he came to pull you in a hug. He tightens his grip around you and you easily sink into his hard and warm embrace, breathing in his scent.

“Honey if you wanted to really please me so much all you had to do was wear that sexy fishnet corset I got for Valentine’s day.”, he says pushing you slightly, so that he can see you. As he spoke he grins mischievously and cheekily wiggles his eyebrows at you.

       You blush deeply and lean to lay his head on his chest. You realise how much you loved this man and would do anything for him.
“I wanted to be able for us to enjoy something fresh. I was tired of eating from a box.”, you sigh before adding, “But I guess that is so much better than going through this hassle.”

       Jake chuckles and continues to hold you in his arms. You both stand there for a long moment, just enjoying each other’s presence when Jake decides to break the silence and says, “Let’s go out and eat.”

       His tone was testing, like he was afraid what your reaction would be. You giggle slightly and feel Jake loosen a bit. It hits you then how much you had Jake wound about this and suddenly feel very guilty.

“Funny you would say that when I was just thinking about that.”, you say and Jake watches you curiously.

“You have? What have you been thinking about it?”, he asks curiously.

“I have been thinking that I should probably start getting used to that part of your life as well considering you have me trapped in your heart.”, you say coyly looking up at him through your lashes.

“Really?”, there was a childlike glee in his voice and you feel your heart swell.

“Yes Jake. I am sorry I was so uptight about the whole thing. Not anymore thou. I want the world to know that you belong to me.”, you say.

“And I want the world to know that you are mine.”, he pulls you close and kisses your ear before slowly kissing down and to the side of your neck. You lean further and allow him more access as you slipped into that blissful bubble in which you found yourself whenever his lips made contact with your skin.

“You have no idea how much this means to me Y/N.”, he mumbles against your neck, his hot breath sending goose bumps along your skin.

       An hour later you both find yourself on the busy streets of New York, dressed casually for the winter evening. At first you felt cautious and found yourself looking for people who would have noticed you or checking if any paparazzi was following you but when you realised you were stressing yourself again you stop yourself and try to engage in the conversation that Jake was holding.

“Do you want to go the Al Forno?”. he asks and you say yes.

“Don’t be so worried. Just relax and if any paparazzi tries to get into our faces then just stay calm and close to me and I will handle them.”, he assures you in a gentle voice and you look up at him and smile.

       The dinner was pleasant and uneventful. With two glasses of wine in you felt very relaxed and drowned in a blissful conversation. It felt so normal. You were glad with your decisions as you could see it made Jake very happy.

       You had been to Al Forno before alone and sometimes with Y/F/N, and you had ordered in from there several times but this would be the first time ever you had come in here with Jake and the dinner was such a pleasant affair. You looked at Jake who was thanking their host and felt a thrill and you looped your hands along with Jake and placed your hand on his hand. It takes Jake by pleasing surprise for a moment before he pulls you to his side and intertwined his fingers with yours.

       You both walk down leisurely back, to the home you two shared, under the dark sky. Occasionally there would be bright flashes but you weren’t bothered by it as you had already fell in a comfortable space where it was only you and Jake and nothing else mattered, not even the flashing bulbs and the random questions that the paparazzi threw in the way of you two, which you both duly ignored.

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