Chapter 6

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My break went by in a flash. Jack took the time to give me romantic dates and show me all around LA.i also met more of his friends and hung out with them. But, today was finally the day. The day I start what I came here job. I turned the alarm clock off I had set for myself the previous night. I stretched my arms out and straightened my legs as I made a weird sound. I then slowly rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. I put my hair in a high pony tail and put on plain black shorts and a plain black shirt, I picked out especially for work. I walked towards the door and into the kitchen where I found a note written by Angela. (What the note says)

Dear y/n, 

On the back of this note I have written down the chores that are needed to be completed before I get home today. We are having an up coming party Tuesday and I would like the house to be in tip top shape. This part is very important so please make sure the house is presentable, I also ask if you may help serve food, I'll make sure to give you a bonus. Thank you, Angela

Tomorrow is Tuesday, so that means the party is tomorrow! Don't I have my work cut out for me today. I think as I flip the note over.


Vacuum all carpet 

Wash windows and dishes

Clean bathrooms

Tidy extra bedrooms

Sweep wood floor

Clean out pool and jacuzzi 

Take out trash 


I set the note back on the counter. Ever since our little fight about her affair with two men we haven't physically spoken to each other. She chose not to tell jack yet, but planned to after this party. If not I'm telling him and that was the deal we made. I decide to start with the easiest and first job on the list. Dusting. I head to the hall closet and grab the duster. I walk upstairs to start and head towards the first bedroom at the end of the hall. Jacks room. I smirk and knock on the door. I here annoyed groaning and take it apron myself to let me in. "Wakey wakey." I say walking into his room. Jack just groans and covers his face with a pillow as his shirtless torso shows through. I bite my lip and look at him, then take my duster and start brushing his back. "Uh uh no, stop." Jack says shifting. I know he hates being tickled, and his tickle spot is definitely his back. "Get up. Get up get up." I continue to say as I dust his back with the feathers causing him to squirm. "Ugh fine!" He says and flipping onto his back and sitting up. He looks at the duster confused for a second then seems to have remembered,"awe today is your first day at work." He stays smirking grabbing my cheeks. "Yes, and I want company." I say pushing his hand away. Jack sighs while smiling and looks over to the clock that reads too early for summer vacation. "Five more minutes." He says flopping on his back and closing his eyes. "No, I know this game, 5 turns into 10,10 turns into 20 and then you sleep for like 2 more extra hours." I say crawling on top of him. He smiles and grabs my arms making me fall onto his chest. "Why don't you sleep with me the, for only......5 more minutes." He says embracing me with his bare arms. I smile at the very convincing offer but I sit up and push the feather duster into jacks face. He starts spitting and instantly goes to pull it away from his face. I laugh, "as tempting as that sounds I have to decline, so get your lazy ass up and make me food while I clean your house." I say swaying out of his room and winking. I then proceed into the office room. I dust every room going in order starting from upstairs all the way to my room. By the time I finished I could hear the toaster ding yelling that food was ready. I made my way to the kitchen stopping at the hall closet and putting away the duster. I also grabbed the broom and continued my way to the sound and smell of food. "Breakfast is served." Jack says handing me toast with jelly on it and scrambled eggs. I smile and lean the broom against the counter. "Thank you my prince." I say digging into the hot eggs. "Of course my princess." . We now have this thing that we're princes and princesses and I just love it. It makes me melt every time he says that word towards me. "So how about, when your done with your work we hit the park and hangout with Emmy and Finn?" Jack says eating as well. "Sure, oh and I need to tell you something." I say. "What?" . I then start," well tomorrow your mom is throwing a big fancy and important party, so you have to wear nice clothes." I say eating a bite out of my toast. "Oh cool, and I can take you as my date!" He says excitedly. "Um about that, I'm catering ." I say holding my breath. " you can't, your my date and I'm taking you." He said putting his dishes away. "Plain and simple." "Jack I already commited plus your mom or anyone for that matter doesn't knows we're dating!" I say also getting up to put my dishes away. "To bad, I'll tell my mom she'll just have to have one less caterer, because you will be my date, and there we will announce our relationship." He says seeming pretty satisfied with his plan. But, I wasn't. I needed this extra money and I can't have jack getting me out of working because we're dating. "Jack its fine, we can announce at the next party, plus I need the extra money." "No y/n, I can't have you working while I'm at the party. How am I supposed to enjoy it without watching you serve crab cakes!" He said quotating the enjoy. I sighed, I want to join Jack and get all dresses up and wear my new dress. I can't, I need to earn enough money for my own car and I can't just ditch my second day of work. "Jack, I'm sorry but it will have to be another time." I say as jacks face gets red. "No, it's either you come with me or not at all!" He says angrily and quite loud. "Well I'm sorry your heinous but your mother already promised me extra money if I work this party, plus how is she gonna feel finding out her famous son is dating their maid." I say truthfully. I could care less about this one money bonus but announcing it to the world seems so daunting. "Bullshit!" He said and left to walk up the stairs and to his room. I shook my head and angrily grabbed the broom. "So what if I work the stupid party, it's not like it's important to me. Plus how would these rich and famous people feel when they find out jacks dating his own maid. How twisted is that." I think aloud while I madly sweep the floors in the first few bedrooms. I rant and rant a loud, kinda hoping jack would hear me, but only the parts I'm not cussing at him. After I finished sweeping I decide to start vacuuming. I pull out the vacuum but before I start jack comes down the stairs starting his speech. "I'm talking to my mom tonight , and you can't stop me." He said cockily. I huffed, "jack but that means you have to tell her we're dating." I say plugging it in. "And?" He says looking at me. I stop and look at him and then at the on button. I push the on button and try to ignore his question. "Y/N!" Jack screams over the loud noise it makes as it picks up the dirt. He tries to come towards me and turn it off but I run away from him. He eventually catches me, after I got the cord tangled around the coffee table. "I'm trying to clean here." I say still avoiding his question. "Princess, why don't you just tell me why you don't want my mom finding out?" Jack says as he grabs my hips and pulls me towards him. Princess. That word makes me feel like putty in his hands, so I finally speak up. "It's not just your mom, it's anyone. I mean how weird and poor that would sound if people found out your dating your maid. Your broke and poor messed up maid who works for you." I say trying to continue but jack stops me." Y/n I wouldn't care if you were homeless, your amazing and you being poor or broke has nothing to do with your beauty and personality. Your amazing and if people can't see that because of the title maid, then screw them. "He said looking me in the eyes. I smile and feel my cheeks burning. What did I do to deserve this perfect boy."thank you." I say grabbing his neck and pulling him into a hug. We hug for about a few sminutes and release. Jack goes off to do whatever for the next few hours while I complete my task list. Finally finishing the last job I plop down on the couch, tired and worked. "Hey princess, wanna go to the park today?" Jack asks as he sits next to me picking my legs up and putting them on his lap. "Ugh can't we just have them come over and watch movies, I'm soooooo tired." I say covering my eyes. I couldn't see him but I could feel him smiling. "Sure" he said lovingly. "So why don't you go get cleaned up and I'll call them" he said. I nod and like I did this morning roll off the couch and drag myself to my room. I strip down and jump into the soothing hot water. Once I was finished with my shower I felt like I had more energy. Not a lot more but more. I continue getting ready, changing into comfy grey shorts and a black sweatshirt that says pink. I walk out and see Finn, Jaeden, Emmy and this other girl I havent seen before. "Y/n, you know the others but this is Jennifer, she's an old acting friend. You know when I lived in Texas." He says sitting down next to her. "Hi, I'm Jennifer." She says and extends her hand. I take and reply back the same but with my name. "Ok so what we gonna do?" Finn says tapping his fingers against his legs. "Let's play truth or dare!" Says Emmy sliding off the chair and onto the floor, to form a circle. I go to the kitchen and grab an empty wine bottle and place it in front of her. We all gather up into a circle me sitting next to Emmy and jack and jenifer next to jack. She seemed nice but, I don't like her being so touchy and close to jack. Jaeden reaches out and spins it first, and it lands on me. "Truth or dare y/n. " Jae says as I sit up from leaning on Emmy. "Hmmm, let's start interesting and go with dare." I say lifting an eyebrow as if I'm challenging him. "Ok, well I dare you tooo....." he says looking around for inspiration. "Lick finns foot." He says. "Ewwwwww!" I screech as the boys break out laughing. Finn raises his eyebrows and shrugs as he starts to take his sock off. "Jae are you really gonna make me does this!?" I say in a whiny voice. " hey you wanted to start it off , interesting sooo go ahead. " he says smirking pointing to Finn as he lays back and puts his foot out to me. "Fuck you." I say and clench my eyes tight and dive in. I quickly lick his foot but I don't pull it back into my mouth. Instead, while my tongue is still hanging out of my mouth, run to the sink and scrub it. "That's disgusting." Jennifer says while giggling. Jaeden and jack are dying laughing and finns wiping my saliva off his foot. I come back and sit back down and lean against jacks shoulder. "Awe my poor baby." Emmy says rubbing my back. I smile and sit back up spinning the bottle. " ........ 

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